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My Diet and Fitness Routine!

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  1. Can you do a video on how to get your splits or stretches for your splits?
    Also for a scorpion too please, because I could really use the advice!

  2. Ugh I hate v-ups cx

  3. so your saying that if you cant see your abs, your fat????? made me feel
    great after I watched this.

  4. Saskia Oltersdorf

    Can you show your ab workout in a video?

  5. Cheer And dance girls

    I started laughing when I realised i was eating chocolate durning this
    video whoops

  6. This is a good video

  7. i love your advice on diet and fitness! i only drink water and coffee as
    well and I workout 6 days a week and this includes a lot of tumbling as
    well. I don’t have a full set of abs on my stomach but I got the top half.
    I’m trying to cut off most sweets because I also have a giant sweet tooth
    so hopefully I get the bottom half :)

  8. “Abs can be genetic.”
    Um, no… Abs are basic anatomy. It’s the ABdominal muscle group. The
    amount of body fat and muscle tone is the factor of whether or not your abs
    are toned and visible.

  9. Can you show the straddle ups and the pike ups because I don’t know how to
    do them

  10. I know soda isn’t good, but is it more the sugar or the chemicals that are
    bad, or just a combination of both?

  11. OMG!!!!
    i took your advice and i will work out every day UNTIL i get a flat tummie
    cause i have a round one kind of!!!!!!!

    GO WATER!!!!


  13. chloethecheerleader

    watching this video eating chocolatexD

  14. KamiCarrieMom Wooz

    We got tol diets aren’t real, it’s what you it, and how much you eat.

  15. OMG My Bracelet Matches Your Shirt (:

  16. I am curious?? I am 5’7 and I “used” to cheer… its been like two to
    three years since I’ve cheered :(. now that I am on my way to high school,
    I want to cheer again… but I don’t know where to start since its been so
    long.. Do you have ANY advice????

  17. I am a seventh grader and am very interested in all star cheer do you think
    it is to late for me to start?

  18. How can you drink so much water like during practice without your stomach
    becoming upset? That is a big problem for me. :(

  19. But what do u put in ur coffee like is black coffee? What do u add?

  20. good. you look so good sorry

  21. Why your biceps is so little 

  22. that is kinda what my sister did she ate a small meal every hour

  23. your hair is beautiful!

  24. I mean lol meaghan. you look sooooooooooooooo flood. love ya