Home » Cheerleader Fitnes » Cheerleader Beauty » Flu Shot Disabled Beautiful Cheerleader – Fake ( Dystonia Disorder)

Flu Shot Disabled Beautiful Cheerleader – Fake ( Dystonia Disorder)

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  1. LMMFAO this is funny as shit

  2. The more I think about it "Skany Legg" or "Teach how to Dougie" would be great songs to use as a remix.

  3. Ok, it's said that she suffers from "Dystonia". But it's funny as heck when she stops and "U can't touch this" starts playing. I hope she recovers. In the meantime it's hammer time!

  4. She is nuts!! You can find the video where she walks normally and now magically talks with a British accent! She said she got cured by some alternative medicine doc in under 48 hours. She should be locked up for scaring thousands away from a flu shot that could have potentially saved lives. Pure trash!

  5. Fake wants money

  6. Yes sad indeed that someone would perpetrate such major scams on innocent and scared people. I pity her.

  7. /watch?v=wcrIqOr9Bsw
    Read the report that they show.

  8. shut up she was faking it

  9. Pumpkin Sugar Heart 1290MlpFan

    this is not funny at all i find it sad

  10. Darknessrevealed17

    @siyushui really?? but it looks kinda real. and she's quite disrespectful for doing that

  11. DizMonsterWeellityoo

    Im going to hell XD


    @neddyt15 where is the proof that shes not?

  13. @Darknessrevealed17 lol she was on the news for being a fake

  14. Darknessrevealed17

    wow, you guys are insensitive jerks..

  15. *Google: " Merck scientist admits vaccines were contaminated with leukemia, SV40, cancer viruses.' NaturalNews*cm~

  16. @HerrBismarck not to be an ass i thought it was fake initially too (might really be a fake), but do some research and you'll find out how treacherous this disorder is. For many people who are suffering from it, the symptoms just come and go at random times, so its still possible to be normal for a few hours and then something would trigger an attack. All i want to say is, don't judge unless you know the facts. All that said, I think shes a fake 😀

  17. LMAO the song made the video !!!

  18. it would be nice to hear what he was saying behind the music

  19. Lookup:' The God Within documentary – exposing the false philosophy of modern science.' With Mike Adams from Natural News Here on YT or NaturalNews*tv. And God bless all you truth seekers abundantly~

  20. Google: 'FDA Approves Virus Spray For Meat.'