Home » Cheerleader Fitnes » Cheerleader Conditioning » Cheer Extreme Sr. Elite August practice (Part 2 of 3) Conditioning & Tumbling

Cheer Extreme Sr. Elite August practice (Part 2 of 3) Conditioning & Tumbling

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  1. Were are u guys located ? 

  2. Perfectlyimperfectbeauty x

    “Its a straight double, just throw it.” I can’t even back handspring lol.

  3. Kayleighmarie Frame

    I love all the videos

  4. I dont think people understand how hard this sport is. so what if they
    aren’t as good as you want them to be. cheer takes A LOT of practice.

  5. Amazing

  6. I can do a cartwheel….

  7. why is it trendy to roll your waistband down?

  8. All of theses girls r good but it looks like they just need to set a little
    bit more before they twist

  9. I love watching this it motivates you

  10. And people say cheer isn’t a sport. ._. I’d like to see them TRY this.

  11. Laurenthepandabear

    On of those front punches were terrible ( don’t argue with me because I’m a
    level 3 almost level 4 and at there level they should have better tumbling
    then someone on level 3

  12. I can do this and I’m 9

  13. YAAAAASSS the punch front on 1:34 was so explosive!!

  14. Peolple better stop tAlking shit beacause they worked really hard

  15. I hate how people are saying these girls aren’t hurdling and putting air in
    the tucks, if the are Ariel-ing after a hand spring they have plenty of
    air, I didn’t see one damn girl that didn’t have one moment where he feet
    were off of the ground. I saw all of them in the air and they did damn
    well. Fucking 12 year olds better learn to keep their damn mouths shut.

  16. Keep your mouth shout don’t even say that there feet was off the ground 

  17. so amazing!!

  18. Those people who dont realize their at practice and say their doing bad.xD
    look EXACLYTY at what it is. cx

  19. I can’t do that I wish I could that amazing

  20. Omg

  21. fantastic

  22. Pause at 2:50

  23. holy shit fuck. nuf said.

  24. Yes

  25. I’m a gymnast and so of these girls are good but some need to learn how to
    hurdle properly and get some air I their tumbling