Home » Cheers & Yells » Cheerleading Yells » Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders “Call Me Maybe” By Carly Rae Jepson Military Tribute

Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders “Call Me Maybe” By Carly Rae Jepson Military Tribute

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  1. Glad to see we’re getting shit done over there

  2. 2:26 I’m glad that Sgt. Vierless is a partial amputee for making such a gay
    video FUCK THE USA!

  3. This video made me very happy… 

  4. Mustache guy is sum hot lunch 

  5. That was cool, lol. I bet the cheerleaders loved it. Thank you for your

  6. These guys are Special Force cause glocks and beards.

  7. why are they so cute?!? :) 

  8. Será lo más homosexual que haya visto, pero están buenos los cabrones ._.

  9. 0:37 I’d definetely call lol <3 

  10. Two years later and it still makes me smile 😀 Too bad you can only give it
    the thumb up once!

  11. еще пиздят про русскую армию:D

  12. I’m straight, and the guy with the moustache is hawt

  13. Jestem pod wrażeniem 😀 


  15. Outstanding job boys and thankyou for your serving

  16. I know the guy at 2:20

  17. I loved it !!! Wonderful to see another way to reduce stress and have some
    fun.You guys stay safe and never lose the ability to smile and do something
    goofy in between your regular duties. Thank You for your service and the
    smiles this morning.

  18. poskaspokaspoakspaoskaposkapsokask

    Via +Evandro Portela

    #Humor #Funny #LOL

  19. I love you guys!!!! You are great!!

  20. Why can’t some people take a joke?
    This is hilarious! Great job!

  21. Isis is going to find them. Don’t give away your location, did they ever
    make that a rule?

  22. Kimbalion floogle

    So glad they have a chance to have a little fun. 

  23. Imagine if an enemy attacked them while doing this

  24. Someone shared this at FB and I have now obsessively watched about a dozen
    different ones done by various military and also Olympic swimming team,
    baseball teams etc. But this one gets my Gold Medal.
    I am sorry that all these attractive and full of life young men are being
    exploited in a worthless and meaningless endeavour for Corporate greed. BUT
    I am happy that they can find ways to relieve the stress of where they are.
    These lads are quite talented and that they are self confident enough to
    put themselves out there in this way is heart warming.

    I salute you chaps you made my day. And every time I watch this I feel
    delight. Hope you all get to go home safe and sound and live happy
    productive lives.