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Basic Cheerleading Stunting : Cheer Stunting: The Flatback

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  1. i am a flyer and the girl bethy u sould watch our show is a base and i am
    5’1″ and i am kinda skinny

  2. wow ur light, i have no idea what your coach is talking about because if
    you want to fly and your good you should fly but if you have bases strong
    enough are taller than you its fine

  3. i was dissapointed.

  4. Brianna Hofsteadter

    im a cheerleader and flying is horrible and scarey when they craddle u but
    baseing the flyer u can get hurt very easy because u can sprain ur wrist or

  5. I am a cheerleader and I thought this was very helpfull . And I wear
    earrings sometimes when I stunt ?? So ??

  6. Luv the Uniforms =]

  7. Wow . That was horrible ..

  8. @alyssa446 yeahh same here its soo stupid like imma rlly good flyer but im
    not short enough 2 be main fly but the other grls cant do it rite nd im
    like then y cant i do it?

  9. @MrsSwanCullen you can be however tall you want, im short and ive had a
    taller flier then me, its all about how you carry the weight and how you
    hold yourself.

  10. i didnt say i was pretty, i said i have pretty much have no weight

  11. that flyer has to put her hair up. she kept on having to flip it out of her

  12. haha u can see the guys playing soccer

  13. i love my squad! my flyer is like 4’9 and 85 lbs!! but almost everyone on
    my squad can fly. im a base, flyer, or front spot. but im only 4’11 so to
    short to be a back spot

  14. o my this is stupid im in 7th grade and we do like 3602 andstuff and wow
    they didnt even cradle

  15. @prettylittleroses it shouldn’t be if you have a good back.

  16. holy geez. i can’t do that.

  17. singercheererfriend

    wow not

  18. ttttttttttttoooooooooooo easy to to easy wow

  19. ya thats really good as long as you have all your skills( heel stretch,
    scoprion, bow n arrow,scale)

  20. bad bases

  21. i’m a cheerlaeder and i think that’s easy to do and i’m a back spotter and
    the girl i suppose to pick up is tall and skinny

  22. at canandaigua modified we kart-wheel into our flat backs then pop our
    fliers. when we pop they are still in their flat backs. they do a barrel
    roll as soon as we pop them… it’s so much fun! i love being a base! i
    feel like we’re the ones needed most and i like the pressure and thrill and
    question of whether or not we’ll hit the stunt. it’s an amazing feeling
    when we do hit the stunt! I LOVE CHEERLEADING!

  23. i no rite! like theres this one really short girl who sux @ flying but she
    does it anyway cuz she can’t do anything else

  24. the speaker lady is wearing earrings AND STUNTING IN THEM ugh! the lady
    needs to listen to her own advice and practice SAFETY FIRST! stupid…

  25. the lady speaking gets sooo annyoing!