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Gymnasts and Cheerleaders Try to Dance!

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  1. …gymnastics is better -_-


    Comment your recent emojis!
    These are

  3. don’t mind my username lol^^
    but I am a dancer so this was really fun to watch :)
    you guys did pretty good :)

  4. is it me or does no other british dance start pirouettes like that? i
    start from 4th open or 3rd?

  5. now you know the struggles of dance…

  6. Everyday Gymnastics

    I know that you used to use iMovie and you now use Final Cut Pro. Was the
    switch worth it? I just got the free trial today and I’m still trying to
    figure it out. Was getting FCP beneficial to your videos and would you
    recommend it? 

  7. I just started dance 2 months ago, and I still dance horrible! I seriously
    wanna quit, but my mom said that I couldn’t, she said,”Once you get in, you
    can’t get out, cause it was your choice”
    And If I am going to quit, I have to join this music group at

  8. It would be great if you put subtitles I can’t understand anything!

  9. who wants to do qa collab channel

  10. I do gymnastics and tried a dance move and according to my mum I look like
    a drunk person falling over

  11. Is that Krissy the one in your family video ?

  12. I do gymnastics dance and cheer leading its hard

  13. do they ever laugh and have fun

  14. They did great, but I had to cringe when they did pliés, Ciera especially
    was sitting in it. And just to say this is not meznt in a asty way at all

  15. I’ve done gymnastics as a kid, then cheer and dance. I dropped Cheer (still
    tumble every once and a while) but stuck with dance as I’ve been doing it
    since age 5! I definitely love it the most, and this was entertaining to
    watch their attempts

  16. Katariina Anttila

    This is funny to watch because I’m a dancer!

  17. What app or software do you create your thumbnails in??

  18. Do cheerleaders do leaps? btw nice video

  19. Where’s the shoutout picture

  20. LiveLaughLove1853

    Isn’t that instructor the really good adult in family gymnastics ? 

  21. Jake From State Farm

    They are gymnasts and they can’t do turns and leaps? Strange…

  22. Can you do the blindfolded gymnastics challenge?

  23. May I PLEASE have a shout out?????? I love you!!!!!! 

  24. I used to take ballet for like 3 years but quit coz I hated it and took up
    gymnastics instead

  25. you should do a video on how to get fit before summer