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Cheerleader vs. Punk Showdown / That Movie Look

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  1. I'm a cheerleader and a punk so what does this make me

  2. 💜Nikki💜

  3. I loved this video it's just so fun to watch !! :)

  4. Is it me or was the punk guy kinda cute? or is that just me lol

  5. First of all THIS WAS THE BEST VIDEO ON THIS CHANNEL. I love how the make up part came in so naturally, because that's actually something that would happen in a situation like that so it wasn't like out of nowhere they started doing make up. Second of all… The punk dude was hott. 

  6. Christina Cafeetee

    the Bobbi Brown Blush looks so sweet and natural. I love how the chubby stick looks like a mix of a lipstick and lipgloss!!!

  7. Do more of these kinds of vids they're so halarious

  8. josephine vargas

    Wait what? You filmed at my school!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍

  9. Awww how cute perfect love story with a happy ending

  10. Im a cheerleader…….i dont act like that but hahaha great video :)

  11. This was pathetic

  12. Nikki Limo on I love makeup? Since when?

  13. I see the real drama is going on in the comments 😂 like, really? What she supposed to do, make a whole video about subcultures? Gosh, it's a makeup vid INSPIRED by the subcultures. And it's quite funny!

  14. That punk girl with short hair doe 😍

  15. I can't believe the cheerleader stereotype still exists, cmon 

  16. Best ending – Pizza!! :)

  17. evan bittencourt

    The punk guy is Evan Bittencourt.. 🙈

  18. why is the name Mia or Mya always the evil person?

  19. Did he put his jumper over her leather jacket in the end!! Hahaha how cold was she? hahaha
    (I actually have nothing to say, I'm always cold) 

  20. Katrine B. Harr Dybdahl

    Terrible acting, lazy plot. Only good thing in this video is that punk dude, damn.