Home » Gymnastics & Tumbling » Tumbling For Cheerleading » How to Tumble | Cheerleading

How to Tumble | Cheerleading

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  1. This is mainly ho to “prepare” for a back handspring. It’s not about
    squatting and moving your arms to prep to learn it. First you need to be
    able to do the basics… a back bend, back kick overs, back walk overs,
    then multiple back walkovers. *Then* you’re ready to learn a bh. 

  2. U r not very…… nevermind

  3. A video about how to tumble and not a single tumble was performed

  4. Such good info

  5. Go uca

  6. Shendsley Jolicoeur

    uca says bring it on in SO BRING IT BRING IT!!!

  7. 0:29 :p

  8. want a cookie,..? 😀

  9. Not a single fuck was given that day

  10. She is a really good jumper

  11. Haha my mum us always that i need to do a sport so i want to to
    cheerleading this year,so i am also researching some things!

  12. omg my jv cheer squad got taught dance and stunts by ppl at uca!

  13. I’m not here to learn how to cheer.

  14. I thought this would be hot but it’s just kind of boring

  15. you are here to fap 😀

  16. already video its called how to get laid.

  17. i wanted to see some lesbian action.

  18. shitflopgaymershow

    I want to impregnate that blonde bitch =D

  19. How do you fuck chicks?