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Learn How to do the Front Split Tutorial for Martial Arts, Gymnastics and Cheerleading

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  1. +Rosetanbelvan / roshan bacud :) @Rosetanbelvan/ roshan bacud :)

    This might help stop your mind from saying “can’t”. It might help more than
    that though, depends on how deep you delve into the dialogues of Sri
    Nisargadatta Maharaj who is an enlightened man. Well, that is, uhh… He
    would say that he’s you. So you’re helping and empowering yourself :)


  2. master woo whats the difference between open front split /true front
    split?which is best for high kicks?

  3. Rosetanbelvan / roshan bacud :)

    I still cant do it

  4. awesome! could you do one for the side split as well?

  5. Learn Taekwondo Online | TaekwonWoo.net

    It works just like our brain, when any exercises is repeated over time you
    can develop long-term muscle memory for that specific task that allow you
    to be performed with minimum effort, however if you stop training it will
    slowly forget things how you used to do it.

  6. im so un-flexible i cant even get my foot to touch my bum

  7. i can do right side but not left side, should i be worried?

  8. @TheJLDoyle is right. Depends on individual and the level u reached before
    u stop. Basically use it or lose it, sooner or later. But if u have stopped
    long time, going to take time to get back to where u were. Best to start
    again slowly and build up so body can adapt… to avoid injuries.

  9. Oukey! I’ll try! Just one thing. You have fans in Brazil! Thanks!

  10. Thanks from Colombia.

  11. Could you perhaps make a video about holding your upper body while sticking
    a high sidekick for forms. If I try to do a high sidekick, I have a problem
    with trying to hold my upper body. I want to lean back more and end up
    losing balance and falling over. I think its because my lower back doesn’t
    have strength to hold my upper body.

  12. The 1 split I cant do. And u explained it all, thank u Master Woo. Ima try

  13. Answeres perfect thanks for all

  14. When I get flexibility I stop exercises long time?? What will happen for
    hips and logs ?? I hope any one answere me I had been search too much!!

  15. Your question is not clear but I believe you are asking how long it can
    take to lose flexibility if you completely stop exercising. This can be
    very dependent on body type as some people retain flexibility for longer
    and can regain what they lose quickly while others are different and take a
    long time to build up and can quickly lose some of it through in activity,
    meaning there is no real answer. I recommend to just stretch at least once
    a week in order to not lose any flexibility.

  16. OMG thank you so, so, so much I can now do the splits and as soon as I
    master the splits ill tell you then I will start going to gymnastics yay

  17. munteanu gerard

    Greetings MasterWoo, i have a question:If an older person tries to gain the
    splits,can he succed because of his age ? or the miths are true and the
    flexibility that you are born with it`s the only thing i can achieve…(a
    tutorial for side splits would be great Master Woo).You`re videos are verry
    helpful.Thank you for helping us!!!

  18. Greets

  19. Thank you Master Woo! this helps me a lot!!-Sean Salemink (Orange High)