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Gymnastics Fail / Accidents Huge Compilation

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  1. So sad

  2. It's not funny when they fall

  3. 1:18 is so scary

  4. Monster High ghoulie

    this is why i shall never do gymnastics especially what happened to the girl in 1:02 thru !:)4

  5. melanieDIY&MORE YAY

    Horrible quality

  6. Jeffrey Meyerowitz

    I would never let my kids do this sport, never. Too dangerous.

  7. Да-а. Жесть…

  8. Hahah its funnier especially when they try get up and fall back down lolol

  9. I suffered a very serious back injury a couple years ago by landing on the back of my neck, and just watching these girls puts me back into that pain again. Yikes!

  10. Wow… Now I know why they got rid of the vault horse and replaced it with a table!

  11. mirielle augustin

    This was absolutely terrifying to watch! As a gymnast I know the fear that races through their head as they miss the vault, try and get out of a skill you know you wont land when you've already began and most of all when somebody land on there neck or when you know how badly winded they are! 

  12. As a gymnast I really want to join a team & improve my gymnastics so I can enter competitions but I have heard so many stories about girls becoming paralysed for life or get surgery Because they broke a bone during practice or the competitions! And it's really scary's me… Can someone please tell me does this happen more often then usual?

  13. 1:011:04
    Sounds like she got raped lol

  14. These gymnasts are so strong to just get back up and move on 

  15. The crash at 2:38 is horrific. That's exactly how Julissa Gomez became paralyzed. She missed her foot on the board and hit her head. The girl in this video is very lucky.

  16. Some of their saves are extremely impressive

  17. To the people who think this is funny you wouldn't be laughing if it ever happens to you. 

  18. gr8 fun quit all thow who do this gym ha