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Cheerleading Cheers : Cheerleading Cheers: Fight

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  1. muzicisdasoul123

    she totally messed up and then tried to cover it

  2. Brownsugarbaby11

    In this one u show the cheer first but in the others u dnt! I think u
    should show it first cuz wat if idnt like it, then i gotta sit here and
    wait 4 u 2 finish and that takes up vauable time! lol

  3. She Chanqed It At The End .. She Said Go Down On Aqain .. But At The End
    She Didnt Go Down Until Go.. Uqh

  4. What are the words to this? i need a lot of cheers 4 my team

  5. Go Vikingss!! (:

  6. i know she is really bad at cheerleading

  7. wow this is how my squad started out but i was in kinder garden lol

  8. i love it !

  9. i really want o be a flyer but i think i weigh 2 much cuz im talll

  10. this cheer sucks and she dont know how to cheer. i cheer better than her
    and im olny 13

  11. Simply-O-Wow, Lik-eTottally-Freak-me-Out-I-Mean-Right-On. -Clapclapclap-
    Toros Sure Are Number One. Bring It On ftw. xD

  12. Hate expert village cheers they are stupid and pointless horrible

  13. Ok so to all those people who are leaving negative comments- i want to see
    you do ever one of the cheers she shows you plus lifts and gymnastics. I
    think its brave of her to post this. Its a beginner cheer and great to
    start with.

  14. im gonna use this!

  15. Joanna Zmyewski

    im pretty good at learning cheers. i pick them up fast.=]

  16. Heislegendrocks7

    Go cougars! My friend is a cheerleader for crispin.

  17. LETS GO TIGERS !!!!!

  18. i have one. …. its hey hey its time to fight everybody yell gold and
    white! ( or anyother colors) GOLD AND WHITE! go fight and win! ( clap clap)
    go fight win.

  19. @DarkFlower10 lols

  20. I like that cheer.

  21. HellokittyPink13

    @coolkinz2000 no it’s for beginners like toddlers so they won’t feel sad
    and left out when the older kids are doing the more experienced cheers. you
    know little kids can’t do much because thay are still learning.

  22. i dont mean to mean because i am not a mean person but i dont like this
    cheer it is stupid

  23. sourpatchgirlsxoxo

    this cheer is the best

  24. Beauty & Brains

    like its a really cute chant but when ur trying to learn its important to
    repeat the same movements that u show the first time