Home » Cheerleading Competitions » California All-Stars SMOED GSSA Competition Full Performance! – Cheer Extras

California All-Stars SMOED GSSA Competition Full Performance! – Cheer Extras

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  2. I wish this would play the *actual* music

  3. Are we not allowed to listen to their music?! wth 

  4. AwesomenessTV i love you guys and all but PLEASE we wanna hear the actual
    routine music. Not some other music layered on top. 

  5. I really wanted to hear the music they used & the camera work was a bit all
    over the place. I felt like I was missing parts of the routine because of
    all the zooming & adjusting ):

  6. #musicthatdoesntmatch

  7. Does anyone know why Jenee left the team?????????

  8. Angelyka Amber Datiles

    It called Unstoppable by [wizard of oz ft. Robyn Johnson]
    Ik it sounds crazy who made it but it’s a great music

  9. Go cali smoed

  10. kelsi is a bit big

  11. this is so old because they won NCA , and Jenee left the team.

  12. Why would I follow them if they will never follow me back, WHATS TE

  13. Amazing!

  14. when the camera person zooms in, it just makes it look so weirdd.

  15. I can’t believe jenee is with cheer extreme . that’s great

  16. and by the way the zooming up and back really made the performance
    difficult to watch. I didn’t get to see the whole performance because it
    cut off stunts and etc

  17. I wish that was me. :(

  18. This is really old because they have already won NCA

  19. can we have the original soundtrack ._.

  20. I hate when they play an irrelevant song over top of the video. I just
    wanna hear the cheer music

  21. a girl twerked it out at 2:32

  22. spinningincirclezzz


  23. Sometimes I think I want to be a cheerleader. But these pain they
    face…..to risky

  24. The stunt at 2:05 made my respect cheer a lot more!

  25. I hate the music