Home » Cheers & Yells » Cheerleading Yells » W. Va. Governor Joe Manchin (D) Tries To Lead Cheer

W. Va. Governor Joe Manchin (D) Tries To Lead Cheer

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  1. that is the gayest chant phrase ever…

  2. mountaineermaniac0

    i agree with denzel pretty gay if u ask me .. plus it doesnt matter what
    they chant cause theyll lose anyways

  3. haha sorry but I doubt that Joe Manchin watches videos on youtube. lol

  4. dancer01012 what a great point you have, nobody can stand manchin he”s a
    criminal just like the rest why he is sticking his ugly nose in wv sports
    is beyond me , other to get his children free unearned education. congrats
    to the wvu students for speaking out on that. he”s probably trying to rape
    the colleges for pocket money the same way he does the poor citizens of wv.
    thank god for the internet, now people are informed and educated about
    whats really happened in this country.

  5. what a schmuck

  6. What’s the word? Fuck the herd!

  7. he cant lead r cheer thats how we role nobody leads the cheer we do It r

  8. Thanks for being a fan of the Marshall vids 😉

  9. Actually you are both right!

  10. This cheer was NOT used at that time – only since late 1990’s. Governor,
    search Cabell County on YouTube. Sir, you need to see this area first hand.

  11. can’t stand governor manchin he’s no good!

  12. bandude? Are you seriously a college student? Thats how we role? Is that
    what Marshall is sending out in the business world now days?

  13. i want to go to wvu in about 4 years but i’ll be lucky if its not taken
    away by him! he’ll do away with it! Speak out fellow west virginians b4 our
    couch burning days are over! lol and thank u its good 2 know that at least
    someone else has common sense when it comes to politics

  14. it’s not going right because he’s trying to get the home side to say
    “marshall” when they always say “we are.” can’t blame him for trying i

  15. Like I told the other guy, thanks for being a fan of the Marshall vids 😉

  16. worthless obama whipping boy

  17. The chant isn’t gay. The way Manchin tried to lead it was gay.

  18. Actually you are both right!

  19. Ok you guys… get ready, I am going to out this gun grabbing liar! He’s a
    Gay Zionist actor… the reason he put his arm out first, was not only to
    signal the crowd but to signal someone else is yelling into another
    microphone, or cue someone with audion… he is a treasonous shill! A RICO
    actor… My next movie will expose him and his gun grabbing co-whores… as
    felonious Dreamworks liars… Watch all my movies … That my fellow
    Americans is Joe Theisman, A ROCKEFELLER ZIONIST LIAR!

  20. ummm..sounds a lot like wvu hasn’t taught you proper english and the
    definition of run on sentences…

  21. ..hmmm…must not be THAT gay considering that is the title of Marshall’s
    movie. But hey, thanks for being a fan of the Marshall Vids.

  22. yeah!..you got that right!..the only cheer ole” manchin leads is …WE ARE
    WV GOVERMENT…we are gonna rape, piledge, plunder, and tax wv citizens
    till their dead…lol