Home » Cheerleader Fitnes » Cheerleader Conditioning » Cheerhab Ep. 4 – Heart of a Champion + NEW CHEERLEADERS

Cheerhab Ep. 4 – Heart of a Champion + NEW CHEERLEADERS

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  1. honestly this condition isnt even that bad they just need to suck it up

  2. They are pathetic lol and so are the parents cheering them on for
    conditioning lol 

  3. Eddie and Orby are miracle workers before this team was No Name Allstars
    and defiantly Train Wreck Elite 

  4. Erm… Am i the only one who almost cried while watching how much they have
    improved? O.o? Some of you here still criticising them by saying these
    condition challenges/workouts are easy or sth. But bear in mind, they have
    nvr been so intensed before. Such intensive workouts are always torturing
    when anyone first started it. But it’s their tears and complains of the
    workouts that made them improved leaps and bounds. Furthermore, of the
    entire video yall only able to see the difficulty level of the workouts?
    What about the laaaaarge improvements that they have made as a team? 

  5. I wish Eddie and Orby could help me with my flexibillity ;(

  6. Can they please make a smoed conditioning workout routine

  7. Is this the end?

  8. I’m sorry I can’t stop laughing at the kid saying help. I can’t breath and
    everyone ignoring him

  9. Kristyn is SO ANNOYING. She needs to suck it up. 

  10. Yassss they are so much better

  11. i realize it’s hard, but litterly everyone of them is,crying like they’re
    being murdered. They must have been really out of shape!

  12. I cheered many years and did a lot of conditioning, but their routine is
    HELL! My 7th grade daughter cheers and her team of middle school
    cheerleaders have more stamina and strength than the entire football team.
    No joke. My 12 year old little girl won a push up contest between the
    cheerleaders, dance team and entire 6th 7th and 8th grade football
    teams…and she was SICK at the time. Cheerleaders ROCK!

  13. Does the boy even tumble?

  14. They act like they’ve never conditioned before. 

  15. Am i the only one who doesn’t like Kristyn? And no it’s not because i’m
    ‘jealous’ of her she just annoys me

  16. “Look at how ugly you guys are!” “Look at yourself” 2:46 lol

  17. I dont care if he’s gay or straight he was crying more then anyone on the
    team and it was embarrassing 

  18. Bear Crawls are not that bad!!! They are actually easy for me :/

  19. What’s the difference between 4 and 4.2?

  20. That boy was such a sissy half those girls were doing better than him I
    could do better than him

  21. Anyone else notice they went into the boys bathroom?

  22. you know when they hit when they play happy music

  23. This looks worse than bootcamp…
    For everybody who thinks this easy, you have NO IDEA. I find it interesting
    that it takes a man to teach a girl how to cheer. =D

  24. Omg is it bad that I was laughing when that kid was like”HELP, I can’t
    breath!” And like no one was paying attention to him

  25. Cristyn keeps saying ‘the girls’ are trying harder and stuff… You’re not
    better than everyone else, sweetie. Jesus.