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Cheerleaders featuring the California All Stars Cheer Squad – Official Trailer on AwesomenessTV

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  1. They need to change there uniforms

  2. lol “ so nobody dies”

  3. Season 2 episode 21!!!!

  4. season 1 was soo great i loved it!!

  5. whats the name of the song? and I cant wait for ep. 21 season 2


  7. LOL they like to do prayer circles before full outs so no one dies

  8. Im in California All Stars as well! :) It’s so amazing and the coaches are
    so nice and so are all of my teammates


  10. eeeew bye

  11. She is awesome.

  12. The bubbygumCP ♡

    whats the songs? 😮

  13. your ruining the word awesome for me

  14. what’s the song in the begin

  15. What kind of challenge is there in football? I can run one hundered yards
    in less than 2 minutes. I can throw a football, but they can’t tumble up
    and down the mat like me? But i can play their sport? Hm. Lets think here.
    I already get tackled. Not by people chasing me. By girls falling. A whole
    pyramid falling over on top of eachother. You try to lift a hundred pound
    girl and smile, and have her pull flexibility. Its not easy, Its a sport.

  16. katherin's castle

    eddies smile at the end XDD

  17. small coed

  18. ahhh he looks likes such a good coach

  19. Esmeralda Nolasco

    I live in vetura

  20. what does smoed stand for?

  21. Yeaaaahhh… They like to do “prayer circle” before every full out so
    nobody dies… OHMYGOD. X’D i need to start doing that at my practices x’D

  22. HappinessLoveHope

    “Yeah, they like to prayer circle before every full out so nobody dies”

  23. And that my friend is what is known today as stereotyping. By your logic I
    can conclude that every single girl in the world is racist because I’ve met
    15 who are.

  24. I love gabi butler so much3

  25. Cali smoed is in Ventura Cali.