Home » Cheerleader Fitnes » Cheerleader Health » Re: Very Sad: Cheerleader Gets A Flu Shot & Now She Can Only Walk Backwards! Swine Flu Virus

Re: Very Sad: Cheerleader Gets A Flu Shot & Now She Can Only Walk Backwards! Swine Flu Virus

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  1. VictoriaParkesWales

    Is this a joke?

  2. its not the swine flu shot, you idiot the news coverage footage said it was
    from the normal flu shot, not the h1n1 shot.

  3. dis bitch jus needs som vitamin c and shit sheel be al good

  4. I never got the flu shot and i rarley get the flu

  5. DOT WORRY YALL IT ONLY HAPPENS TO MEXICANS hahaha ur fucking retarder 😀

  6. thanks for watching and thanks for the info

  7. if you want healthcare pay for it yourself america is fucked and can not
    keep giving everything away it hs to come from somewhere

  8. Google: The Syringe Of Death.

  9. “It’s just too darn toxic. If you inject Thimerosal into an animal, it’s
    brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you
    put it in a petri dish, the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be
    shocking if one could inject it into an infant, without causing damage.”
    Dr. Boyd Haley, Head of Chemistry Dept, U of Kentucky See the youtube
    video, “Mercury Toxicity and Autism” posted by octomedia

  10. i had the swine. It wasnt that bad but u felt terrible and u get terrible
    chills and very tierd i havnt benn sick for like 2 years but i got the
    swine like 3weeks ago

  11. One question to ALL… Is this a hoax???

  12. thanks darcell

  13. vitamin C FTW

  14. fuck Vitamins EAT REAL FOOD ORGANIC its that simple

  15. LLLOOOLLL shes just retarded, if something happens to you and you only walk
    backwards…ur just fucking stupid that doesnt even make sense?!?! wtfail

  16. yepp. you can die from a common chest cold if you are hydrated and have the
    proper nutrients. people are just paranoid because it’s a new strain. if
    you dided from the flu nobody would notice. if u died from a cold people
    would be like ‘OMG! the new black plague!! let’s call it chestleofogus.” n
    make a vaccine wasting money. the H1N1 is way over-exagerated.

  17. hï_àNyÓnë_wAÑNA_chÁt_wÍth_mÈ_ì_fêÊl_só_lÖÑëlý_tÒÐÅy┌

  18. Clinical studies using nurses wearing N95 masks have proven that the masks
    are successful against flu! theflucase. com This national “emergency” could
    give Obama dictatorial powers, should he sign Bush’s exec. orders! FluMist
    recipients are now shedding LIVE viruses, as the package insert claims
    FluMist makes one contagious for 21+ days. WHO/CDC says this fall/spring
    flu will worsen, & now we see how this could happen!

  19. But you can’t get it you taken d vitamen C. Quit spending your welfare
    check at the pawn shop on that cheap equipment, sorry I ment quitmint. Man
    sell your cheap ass shit and get a real job. Nobody wanna hear U, fool!

  20. I think the swine flu is a distraction so the government can inject you
    with who knows what and make you spread something unknowningly I always
    found it odd that after normal flu shots I got the flu and quack docs said
    I just happen to get it after haha im not dumb

  21. pivotpcproductions

    she’s just an attention whore. it magicly cured itself, lmao

  22. Dont take ANYTHING from our sadistic government. Find natural options.
    Pretty soon they’ll be wanting to put chips in everyone…….

  23. How does commenting on an issue that’s sweeping a nation make him a fag?
    Stop using “gay” and “fag” as the word asshole and get on with it! Stop
    trolling and say something usefull.

  24. if you get swine flu, drink some chicken soup! its not even a big deaL
    anymore. maybe if your 4 months old or 99 years old it will kill u. you
    have a better chance gettin fuked up by the flu shot than the flu