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Cheerleaders Season 2 Ep. 32 – Farewell Jenee

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  1. She’s on cheer extream know

  2. CaliforniaOfficial

    +Kyra Renville

    She actually did go back to CA, Her mom posted it on instagram. Its the San
    Marcos CA though.

  3. omg why is she leaving? wt actually happened? i love her so much 

  4. I didn’t quite understand why Jenee is off the team… Can someone please

  5. So now we know the real reason she’s not on smoed (dumb decision ).but why
    she move to nc? 

  6. how did maddie get kneed in the face during a cradle?

  7. Also, how come we never found out what happened to Riley and her
    injury….? She’s seen in a knee brace in this episode!

  8. Jenee is now on Cheer Extreme which is another all star cheerleading team.
    Well I at least think she is on cheer extreme

  9. Which Ep is where them 2 girls do like a miki take of the ‘smoed twins’?

  10. everybody start commenting on every single episode say #bringjenneeback

  11. Jenee is on senior elite now

  12. I totally feel for those kids. I just left gymnastics because of a back
    injury. I cant watch this without crying because my teammates reacted the
    same way.

  13. Seeing Maddie cry made me cry :'(

  14. I might be wrong but I think jenne’s mom had an issue with Eddie and the
    way he runs practices. From what I see she’s a religious person and doesn’t
    like how Eddie cusses and says not so nice things during practice. I think
    she feels like jenee should be coached by a wise and more gentle coach (
    not saying Eddie is bad) like Courtney… But we should respect their
    decision because I know how hard it is to have your mom have problems with
    your coach :(

  15. but who is the new Flyer?

  16. Jenee is now cheering at cheer extream if you don’t believe check out there
    YouTube channle I’m so sad she left 

  17. What’s the matter with Brooke

  18. Watching Maddie cry makes me cry

  19. I cried so bad watching this episode but I’m pretty sure the Senior Elite
    family is a better environment for Jenee 

  20. I’m still a little confused. How come Jenee had to leave? Was it cause her
    mom ?

  21. no Jenee stay

  22. They made it seem like she died

  23. I’m so confused…

  24. For all the people saying she’s back in California, she’s not. She’s still
    on cheer extreme. 

  25. i thought she died of diabetes??????