Home » Cheers & Yells » Chants » Cheerleading Stunts & Accessories : How to Perform Popular Cheerleading Chants

Cheerleading Stunts & Accessories : How to Perform Popular Cheerleading Chants

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  1. i at tryouts right now and thats totally not a good chant lik e think of
    boom dynamite somethinlik tht=:D

  2. iwanna try out for next yeaar , tryouts are in like 3 months . i’m trying
    out to be a flier , because im pretty short lol . but ireally dont know how
    to do stunts , may you help ?

  3. @selenaqomez07 me 2 and i dont think ill make it, but im going 2 try anyway!

  4. Brittanie Terensky

    im sorry but that “chant” was very bad.

  5. i thought it was gg oo go go

  6. that was good…can we replace the word team with the name of our schools

  7. hey dum shits, if u think this is GAY or RETARTED why are you watching it?
    its good and helpful so shut it.

  8. Cheerleading Rocks My Socks! 😀

  9. spacemanspiffcumshot

    well I’m the starship captain of the chess team and my super-soaker is full
    of hot milk and I lust to squirt it all over your sexy body and in your
    mouth in the most kinky way!…/ @ milwaukee

  10. The ones they use here are: G-O Lets go!

  11. crazychickluversyou

    So thats a chant cuz im trying out for c.w davis middle school and i forgot
    what it was!!!!! Lol

  12. cheerleading rockes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. that was awesome!!!

  14. incrediblecheer2010

    Who says go team anymore? YAYY RAHH RAHH!

  15. im trying out to be a cheerleader next year(: ahh…it’s going to be Uper

  16. I <3 CHEER!

  17. spacemanspiffcumshot

    lucy! my ventrilloquist doll says you are a “little sexy jailbait hottie!”

  18. its Go O let me here you say go go thats right you know it let me here you
    say fight fight WIN let me here you say win win together again let me here
    u say go fight win! (3times)

  19. that’s what your supposed to do

  20. that cheer was suss

  21. cheerleading =D

  22. gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  23. that was retarded!

  24. YOU SUCK

  25. wow, this sucks really bad….