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Cheerleaders Season 3 Ep. 4 – Cali Super Camp

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  1. 8:00 what is blonde dude haircut call? Help me guys.

  2. Im suck on my fucking country Kosovo and i never can be a cheerleader but
    here peoples don’t know what’s cheer . And i ….. Dream cheer

  3. he has a big forehead 

  4. i miss the ME cam haha. 

  5. Is gabi gone ? Then i am only watching for kyle and mad

  6. Feel sorry for the girls with the white shorts…

  7. I thought the girl that gave up college got cut? 

  8. Kyle is soooo hot 

  9. Watch the stunt in the background at 3:25

  10. If I could make one suggestion to make Cheerleaders any better than it
    already is, I would have to say that when they go to competition I’ve
    always wanted to hear the actual Smoed music with their performance! That
    would be amazing <3 

  11. the next episode isnt on the app???

  12. I thought Riley graduated!

  13. Can you guys do a volleyball series ? PLEASE im begging you

  14. Waaaaaaani want Robert back

  15. I’m glad Michaeleddie is still kinda in it… but I miss Rob, Gabi, and
    Jenee and everyone else from the last 2 seasons:( :(

  16. Shitt her shoulder was out

  17. XOXOTiffanie Marie

    This is last weeks episode 

  18. Alexis-Amelia Libree

    a lot was spelt wrong…

  19. :16 – she was my coach waaaaay back in the days of Pride Athletics in Las
    Vegas!! So great seeing so many familiar faces that have found a new home
    at CA Las Vegas. :) 

  20. 5:10 how is that guy cheering with his glasses?!? I would be terrified they
    would break on my face from all the stunuts

  21. Professional Digital Designer here.
    Was a designer since 2010. Created a YouTube Channel as a portfolio for my
    designs! :) If anyone is interested check me out!

  22. 3:20 that’s the stunt the seniors at my gym are doing

  23. thumbs up if you wait every week for a new episode! 

  24. Maddi has dyed her hair red or brown so you need to pick up the paste the
    same exact thing happened last season