Home » Cheerleading Competitions » CNN: Year round training for cheerleading competitions

CNN: Year round training for cheerleading competitions

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  1. I do competitive school cheer there are no pom poms and that stupid stuff

  2. Cool!

  3. jealous

  4. she’s very well spoken also!!

  5. I’m a gymnast, and in my eyes cheer is probably the 2nd hardest sport out
    there. It’s nothing easy, In a lot of ways it’s similar to gymnastics, but
    it’s not the same and not as difficult. I wish people like you could just
    stop arguing about cheer and gymnastics. They’re both real sports.

  6. that one girl is really flexible

  7. StopCEAEricaPosers

    i agree with you! and cheerleading should not be in the olympics yet its
    still developing in different counties but in a few years when cheerleading
    becomes more popular worldwide it should become an olympic sport! <3

  8. CHEERabcdetateLEADER


  9. Now it’s the special olympics’ turn to be on tv! TIME TO END AN ERA!

  10. I agree! But in a way its a good thing for people to wonder what is more
    beyond cheerleading because then they might try there self, because before
    I cheered I used to tease it and say it was not a sport….now I am an all
    star and it’s so a sport, do I think it should be an olympic sport? idk yet
    because to be honest words is so much more fun and it’s ours! <3 I LOVE

  11. @billeybop actualy yah you can im 22 and im still in allstar cheerleader

  12. what is this song when it goes boy u want it want it but you canrt have it
    have it at 2:45 ?

  13. My sister was on a cheer squad and I think that CNN is doing a storie like
    this is really neat

  14. OMG ! Ur from cheer extreme all stars. My fav cheer squad

  15. carolinacheerleaderr

    @billeybop that’s not possible that u were a allstar cheerleader for 20
    years..because you have to stop allstar cheering when u turn 18!!

  16. i like kernersville better

  17. @carolinacheerleaderr actually you just have to stop being on a senior team
    when you’re 18…Teams that compete in the international division at worlds
    just have to be 14 and above, and have people on their mid 20’s to early
    30’s on their teams :)

  18. @tootsypopcandy Yes, but not for Cheer Extreme lol, i’m just a really big
    fan of theirs!

  19. Thats exactly what I am talking about. :) I feel like people saying “it
    needs to be in the olympics’’ it can’t yet maybe not for another 8-10
    years. Simply because it is not developed as much as us in the USA. :) But
    once it can be it will be a very awesome sport added. There is not any
    guarantees but even if it was WORLDS RULES!! 😀

  20. @kaylabieber23 kinda but not

  21. Im sorry but gymnastics to me is just OH LOOK I CAN SPIN ON A BAR! OMG

  22. I go to her high school! She’s student body president too!

  23. @yolowinner74531 I see one of the things you give up is your education.
    Your grammar is terrible.

  24. well that came across like you needed all the attention.