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Cheerleading Fall Video: Dangers Bring Calls for Reform From Medical Group

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  1. OK first of all hello I’m not hating ok see I’m a football player and
    basketball player now what I always thought I football was man.. this girls
    are working their asses off so when we had to be cheer for a day my coach
    asked me want I though of cheer leading. Here is what I said. Coach I think
    that cheer leading is one of e most dangerous sports in the world. My coach
    replys with. Well then your a real man for facing up to such couragus
    thoughts. He asked everybody else to give me a round of applause now girls
    I know how you feel I know the danger but its the risk that you make and I
    will always be there to cheer you on as up cheer girls. Sincerely jacob
    tribble your friend

  2. I have a problem with this, they are making cheer look dangerous but If you
    squeezed when you were suppose to ad didn’t cheat in conditioning then you
    would be just fine

  3. Uh, high schools shouldnt be doing 3-highs anyway. Thats college level. And
    if they think they are ever taking away 3-highs from college level they got
    another thing coming.

  4. i am 22 and i was an allstar growing up I was always covered in bruises my
    vice principle tried to inspect my family thinking I was being abuse! my
    ankle is forever ruined i had many concussins and I am already getting
    arthritis in my knee I wouldnt change anything it was worth it and still
    miss cheer!! I might end up coaching

  5. The thing that annoys me most is dumbass cheerleaders who KNOW these
    dangers trying to do stunts in places like Disney World, where the ground
    is solid concrete…I don’t care if you’re doing some big competition
    (which is BS anyway, cheerleading is not a fucking sport), when you
    inevitably fall and split your head open, you aren’t gonna be competing any
    time soon! Eventually natural selection and evolution will take its
    course…Darwin Awards, anyone?

  6. Limiting high school cheerleading pyramids to only 2 levels- So, what good
    is that supposed to do? Stunts only on mats or grass- That may help, but
    that is *not* going to completely prevent bones from breaking. 99% of
    cheerleading injuries (at least all star) happen ON the padded blue floor.

    Limits on practice time- Are you fucking kidding? The more practice, the
    better you can *land* what is causing you to fail in the first place. Less
    practice is only going to make cheerleading fall apart and increase
    injuries. Even the amount of practice done now there are lots of teams that
    make huge mistakes. Taking away practice time is *not* going to prevent
    injuries, only cause them because the athletes do not get the extra help
    they need to nail a skill.

    Better trained coaches- that really isn’t going to help prevent injuries.
    If they know what they’re doing and what they’re talking about, fuck it…
    let them coach. 

  7. taylordance12 love

    I cheer im a flyer I get hurt a lot

  8. Limiting practice time? That just increases the chances of injury in a real
    competition. It takes practice to get a move right. Doing dangerous stunts
    with little rehearsal is terrifying in comparison to doing dangerous stunts
    after months of rigorous preparation.

  9. We do have physical exams and limits of practice time

  10. Minecraftmadness321

    Thats doesn’t make much sense, many sports are a lot more dangerous than
    cheerleading, the coaches and cheerleaders need to know how far than can
    go…A lot of accidents happen because the girls don’t know what to do if
    it goes wrong. 

  11. Cheer_Is_perfection101

    It is not dangerous it’s just a lot of athletes aren’t ready to do certain
    skills so they fall

  12. Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. This isnt what cheerleading was meant to be. 

  13. this is why i stopped

  14. That is true cheer leading really does need to be safer other wise someone
    is really going to get hurt! 

  15. I look at this differently. I love to fly. I have depression, but when I’m
    up in the air, I finally feel free. That is my therapy, and in my high
    school team, I can’t do that anymore…

  16. taylordance12 love

    but we do need to be careful someone can die because of this you never know

  17. Yeaa I’ve been to the hospital to many times. 

  18. Yall need to come down I am a allstar and coach cheerleader at the age of
    11 do you think that I get hurt too like the fuck come the hell down god
    damn you are probably JELLY bitch like its not that serious


  19. They should make cheer easier because I am in cheer and I get thrown up in
    the air and sometimes I fall really hard 

  20. im a flyer a all star cheerleader i have spraned my kneck and a torned
    tibia and nothing will stop me from cheering 

  21. I don’t think it’s fair they want to limit us cheerleaders to what we do. I
    mean there are illegal stunts which is good but it’s your choice to do
    cheer or not. When u step on the Mat ur putting ur self in danger but we
    take that risk for the love of our sport. I come home from tumbling once a
    week with some sort of soreness 

  22. First cheerleading is a sport Second yeah there dangerous but thats life
    and if they want to see cheerleading go to cheer worlds 2013.

  23. Who are u to judge on this if you don’t do cheer then you can’t judge or
    know some people make cheer look like it isn’t a sport. 

  24. Im i cheerleeder and i tore both my acl and tendon patela but it was from
    falling down the stairs and tennis so :p jk

  25. pacific coast magic purple orange and white thats my gym cheerleading is so
    a sport