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Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About Cheer, But Were Too Afraid to Ask

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  1. A 12 year old with a thong? Seriously?? A 12 year old shouldn’t care about
    underwear lines

  2. I’m 13 and I feel like it’s too late to try because I can’t even do the
    splits. Is one year long enough to be ready for next years tryouts? Another
    thing is I feel like everybody would be better than me because they’ve been
    doing it for a long time…

  3. Question about cheer shoes. Do cheerleaders wear the same shoes for
    competitions as they do walking around outside? In cheerleading you have to
    put your hands under people’s shoes to lift them and I always wondered if
    it’s the same nasty shoes you wear outside? That’s gross if someone stepped
    in vomit or gum outside and then you have to touch their dirty shoes in
    competitions! GROSS!!!

  4. Everyone who thinks a 12 year old wearing a thong is a bad thing, it’s not
    your problem. It’s between the child and there parent. I mean I’m 15 and i
    wear them. But it’s not like these 12 year olds are walking out the house
    with just a thong. Like it shouldn’t concern you. It’s just underwear

  5. Practice is seven dollars a week

  6. I’m in 4th grade when I’m in 5th grade it will be my first year. any tips
    you can give me about cheer?

  7. Your body is athletic……..

  8. You wouldn’t wear a thong at 12 xD
    I’m 12 and trust me, no one at my age wears one xD
    Maybe 15 and up….

  9. I’m not sure about cheer but I know from watching Dance Moms that they
    spend loads of money on dance. One costume can cost up to $500 and they’re
    always traveling. I’m sure cheer is just as expensive, if you’re on a
    national team that is, who competes for the World Cup and things like that.

  10. wish we had cheerleading in australia. wish I started getting flexible when
    i was younger. now im 13 and its too late:(((

  11. The way you speak. Is that an american accent or is there something wrong?
    You lisp.

  12. Would never wear a thing lol they look so imcomfortable and my sis tries
    wearing them and she said it felt like someone was pushing a tooth brush up
    her butt

  13. I do all star and school

  14. I do colorguard (kinda like cheer) And I’m in the second to youngest age
    division. The older girls are BITCHES to us!

  15. how can you get stronger to be able to do a hand stand? 

  16. she took jennamarbles music *gives dirty look*

  17. My mom wont let me wear a thong. I dont blame her. So I just dont wear
    anything. Yay for strict moms

  18. I mean thong what do I do I’m 10 bro

  19. How old are you?

  20. why the fuck is this on my feed

  21. What if you forget your cheer routine

  22. can someone please help me. I would really like to do cheer with my best
    friend however i have never cheered before and i am not very flexible and
    can’t do tricks (cartwheels, etc…) but i still really want to do it. 


  24. OK someone help me I have cheer camp starting tomorrow and they only allow
    3-4 flyers depending on how many people show up. I’m in 7th grade,5″3′, 12
    years old and 95 pounds. There will be soon to be 6th graders and soon to
    be 7th graders, so there are probably going to be girls smaller than me,
    but I was a flyer last year at camp and Im super flexible and not scared to
    do anything. Last year the other two flyers when from a chiropractor
    straight into a half and I went from a chiropractor straight to an
    extension. The other two just pop cradled down, while I did a twist down.
    Will I be light enough? Will I be a flyer? Last year I had high school
    cheerleaders as my base, but its a possibility that I can have girls my age
    as bases.

  25. I do dance and it is SO EXPENSIVE!!!!