Home » Cheers & Yells » Cheers » 6 Year Old Mikayla 1st Year Cheerleading Routine. Cheers, Dance, Stunts. (Cute..a little funny to.)

6 Year Old Mikayla 1st Year Cheerleading Routine. Cheers, Dance, Stunts. (Cute..a little funny to.)

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  1. My school colors

  2. so awsome for thier first time. stunting was good for thier age and they
    can really move. I also like how yall were in a lbrary shouting

  3. Really if they suck then dont post it

  4. There just little kids

  5. They will learn to be louder tighter and to use facials. There little still

  6. That was really cute

  7. They are tighter then some cheerleaders I know…. 

  8. Cuteeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

  9. That was so cute

  10. That was sooo stupid

  11. So preaty dance

  12. People should stop hating on there video they are just little kids not like
    there going to be amazing.

  13. The little chinese baby is adorable! Shes so sassy 😀 I lOve it ! 

  14. Not real cheer

  15. So boring

  16. They could be better :/ I didnt really like it.. :I 

  17. This is so cute

  18. they are the CUTEST

  19. They r soooooo cute they can dance like a six year old would but better 

  20. All these people commenting stuff like “I can cheer way better than that”
    and “it wasn’t very good” like honestly NO SHIT they are six and this is
    just what they have learned from their first lesson. Obviously you can
    cheer better than them they are SIX and they haven’t learned much yet his
    society pisses me off sooo much haters need to learn that being mean
    doesn’t make people like you some people might agree but a bigger majority
    will disagree so join the others and stop hating

  21. Yoll are wake I understand yoll 7-6 year olds.
    But yoll wake.

  22. This is adorable! Sideline is a great start a lot of my friends in high
    school cheer and all star cheer started in sideline. Good job girls! 

  23. Strawberry_Blonde22

    They are so cute!!:)

  24. I love the fact that the teacher said that they have to be loud and they’re
    in a library