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Advanced Cheerleading; Tips & Techniques : Tumbling Practice Drills for Cheerleading

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  1. “tight all the way through”

  2. tumbling and gymnastics are actually different , not only because different
    movements, but in tumbling, you only use the floor exercises while in
    gymnastics you use the floor , beams , and bars .

  3. watching them? I was a gymnast for 7 years! hahah.

  4. cheerleaders flip with their heads too…its whether the coaches are
    teaching you correctly or not. ive always thought cheerleaders were more
    likely to throw tumbling incorrectly

  5. not meaning to nitpick, but the type of gymnastics you’re talking about is
    ‘Artistic Gymnastics’ this uses floor, beam, bars and vault. Tumbling,
    however, takes place on a sprung track. The term ‘gymnastics’ covers a
    whole spread of disciplines, including powertumbling, artistic, sports
    aerobics and now; funnily enough; cheerleading.

  6. Hahah um, Allie’s on the ground right now. obviously..

  7. The candle position and drill he described is a great learning tool. You
    should not pass through that position in a tuck but it facilitates some of
    the muscle memory you need. He didn’t explain it properly and I’m not sure
    that he has even been taught why it’s a good drill. I have been trained and
    certified as a gymnastics instructor and a cheerlead coach and let me tell
    you, the USASF certification program is a joke. Cheer needs a stricter
    certification program. it is unsafe as is.

  8. people need 2 stop commentin dirty cause de girl is teachin yah sumtin and
    ur acting horny

  9. Some of the technique explained in this video is incorrect. It’ll get the
    job done, but in more advanced tumbling this technique won’t cut it.
    Perfection before progression. It’s hard to perfect when it’s not taught

  10. jonnie69 you are soo right, at my gym our couches tell us every time we do
    our tucks and layouts that we have to think about something in the gym to
    look at when we are about to flip so we dont throw our heads back…

  11. Tried to find one for you. Can’t find one. Part of the problem begins with
    the lack of seperation in his explanation of the difference between the set
    and the tuck. He combines them (incorrect). The power in a BACKHANDSPRING
    comes from te sit and the angle of jump. ROTATION in a TUCK however, comes
    from your hips and shins driving up to the ceiling. Done correctly, you end
    up landing VERY close if not exactly where you began.

  12. personally i dont like spotters cuz i already know how to fall if i do
    bail!! but they starts getting helpful when it comes down to standing fulls

  13. @brizzlestick r the girls just all ;D

  14. I like his arms 😀

  15. dang, that guy is short.. lol

  16. I’m a girl…how am I gay?

  17. i can do a back tuck but not in the air lol i tumble with that kiara nowlen
    girl i think thats her last name watch look her up i tumble just like her
    exept she usually comes in 1st and i came in like 2 or 3 ..but i dont
    really think thats how u spell her name …and this video is cool

  18. wooaahh sorry maybe I should have reworded that… I didn’t ever say that
    it wasn’t a sport; in fact I think its pretty cool xD and obviously takes a
    lot of training; I was just trying to clarify the person before’s
    explanation. No dig at all whatsoever at cheerleading – – just a miswording
    :S sorry if I caused any offence… [and the ‘funnily enough’ was due to
    this being a cheerleading video] (:

  19. He juss wana touch on them girls lol jk

  20. Advanced? My ass. I do cheerleading gymnastics and thats not advanced

  21. hahahahahaha ppl argue on every video i have been a gymnast and a
    cheerleader and i have seen that they coached ppl differently so most of
    the time it confuses me on my tumbling lol=) and try not to argue so much

  22. Using this for Parkour!

  23. @embee87 pull the cock outta your ass and quit whining like a little bitch

  24. lmao rite tho

  25. i would just like to know. what is cheerleading FUNNILY enough?
    cheerleading takes hard training, and muscle. its a sport, so please, i
    respect your opinion; but if your gonna say anything about it not being a
    sport, im going to go off on you. (cheerleader of 8 years duh)