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Cheerleading Practice ~ Hair, Makeup and Outfit!

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  1. Where’s ur bed???????

  2. No offense this is a sincere question but do you take wear like spandex and
    a sports bra to practice..? 

  3. What are poppers sorry I’m new

  4. 1 ur not even aloud to where makeup for cheerleading so u dont know what ur
    talking about

  5. This is so weird! I’m a junior cheerleader in Finland and I’ve never had to
    wear clothes like that. Yes, an all stat cheerleader. Guess it’s a little
    different by country??

  6. I’m 13 too I don’t use make up at this age because after that you can get

  7. Her hair came undone at the end. How old is she and she’s kind of ugly in
    that hair style!

  8. U can wear this in allstar not jr. Cheer or high school

  9. It was painful for me to look at your pathetic poof

  10. Sorry just kidding girl

  11. ThatBitchYouKnow!!

    Love the hair I’m in cheerleading to but I never can get the proof my mom
    or friends mom hallways do it for me

  12. Why are you wearing makeup if you will be sweating? Makeup runs…

  13. Smell just like doodoo

  14. If your training and working out y would u want to wear makeup your gonna
    be sweating and the makeup is gonna get mess up I mean I can see you
    wearing it during competition day that’s one thing but constantly wearing
    it during practice I don’t think that’s necessary I’m not trying to be mean
    or anything I’m just making a statement 

  15. Excelent video, but I think you actually look pretty good without make up!
    :) you don’t need it, you’re cute.

  16. Your tag was sticking out of your pants.

  17. virei Líder de Torcida !!!!! Umas dicas para arrasar no Look :

  18. What

  19. Show off like really cheerleader and so wat

  20. Do u have a Instagram called kenzie comics cause u look alike plz reply 

  21. i love your videos but you really don’t need to wear mascara to cheer
    practice and again I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!! <3

  22. Okay I I really like the outfit but some coaches don’t allow for just a
    sports bra and compression shorts because they can be too reveling also, it
    can get uncomfortable while stunting. Because of the bare skin rubbing.
    Also the make up is really cute but it’s just practice I don’t think that
    you need to get all fancy to have it all sweat off. The hair is really cute
    also, but I feel like it takes a long time. Cx Idk I guess you just try
    harder than I would for practice. 

  23. Great Video!!! loved your hair style!!!

  24. Hey I’m a new YouTube this isn’t my main channel… My main channel is
    +xxmaybeitsmadyxx but I haven’t uploaded yet I will on Friday….. I’m just
    looking to find some other YouTube friends lol

  25. Your very pretty and u r not ugly