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The Cheerleader Workout

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  1. yeah but she was using TRX .. Its more than one way to skin a cat.

  2. This is garbage, you two are stoooooopid! You obviously know nothing about
    cheerleading. NFL “cheerleading” is NOT Cheerleading.

  3. I gained a bunch of informaiton from this

  4. mierda de video.

  5. the blonde girl is just terrible! haha

  6. @TheChloebear69 This is why everyone thinks we snobby and slutty -.-”
    Thanks for proving them right!! -.-“

  7. young? XD

  8. i’m sorry but they’d never make it it as allstar cheerleaders…or even

  9. Your jelly cause cheerleaders are prettier than you c: sorry uglies! 😀

  10. omg im going to the 7th grade and I need to be fit but I’m skinny tho my
    splits is wrong

  11. Hi Annick. The videos you post are great. Please post more yoga videos. I
    look forward to your instruction. Thanks.

  12. @TheChloebear69 wow, this is why everybody thinks us cheerleaders are
    snobby bitches. way to represent.

  13. It’s not that the information isn’t useful or correct, it is the
    condescending and stereotypical tone of the women. Just when you think she
    is giving accurate information and making sense it makes it less credible
    with the added “go team” or giggle. If you’re going to make a video for
    cheerleaders and workouts be respectful if you want it taken seriously,
    especially if you are calling yourself a fitness expert.

  14. Lol the standing splits were soooo bad. I really want the thing she was
    holding onto for jumping though lol

  15. Way to make cheerleaders seem snobby…also that’s not how you do a heel
    stretch. At all.

  16. you didn’t mention stunting. thats the only reason any cheerleader would
    need to work out. This is demeaning to squads like mine that don’t tumble
    but do incredibly hard and advanced stunts.

  17. Hey my name is Veronica! :)

  18. peanutbuttersoviet

    This ain’t training for cheerleadering this training is for the kinky shit
    they do to satisfy all the football players before n after a game

  19. that is NOT how to do a heel stretch. ew

  20. Why are all the comments negative and saying everything in the video is
    wrong because you are a cheerleader and you dont do it. Maybe you should
    try it before you knock it . There are 100 different ways to modify a squat
    and they all WORK.

  21. $1 Million per year= NOT TRUE Chearleader Vert < Football player vert!!!!

  22. @D00M696 me..to

  23. what can you use in substitution for tht bunjee thingy?

  24. for more flexibility and circulation a cheerleader should not wear underwear

  25. The cheerleader workout should consist of hand and mouth workouts.