Home » Cheerleading Competitions » Cheer Competition Part 2

Cheer Competition Part 2

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  1. Lee high school uniforms are yellow not gold. I wanted to yell ” LEARN YOUR

  2. lee music got messed up thats why they messed up and west springfield was
    better then all of them even though the girl all falided but they caught
    her before she did and came back 

  3. they move to fast and they dont take breaks also 8 counts are super fast
    and they are trying to stunt fast also if they would of do it a little bit
    slower no body would of be falling down

  4. cool

  5. Lee high school cheerleaders were gonna fall the most not to be mean tbh

  6. got o go see ya people

  7. cheerschoolchihuahuas

    The Bruin team was the best in my opinion!!;};};}

  8. again I am a girl son I am doing cheerleading in high school

  9. 2:48 he was staring up her skirt

  10. I love the cheer I am doing cheerleading in high school

  11. Lee high school ok lake Braddock high school good west Potomac high school

  12. the Lee team SUCKED they were worse than TC williams

  13. I love lake broddak they atre wasesome

  14. Lake Braddock High School were the best but Lee High School could of won
    too but the made 3 mistakes

  15. Las primeras se equivocaron caleta

  16. the Lee team SUCKED they were worse than TC williams

  17. 6:49 the bruins arms look funny

  18. It’s so crazy

  19. :D

  20. Great cheerleading 

  21. 1st is soo bad

  22. Sure Lee High was bad, but they did have some girls with layouts and fulls.

  23. Bruins or T.C. Williams should have won, but I also think West Potomac was
    creepily preservative.

  24. The Brunes or whatever there called demolished them all.