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How to Stretch to Improve Flexibility | Cheerleading

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  1. Do U Have To Know How To Do A Split??? Please answer back I’ve been doing
    streches to improve for a year and i have not got it yet. I know it takes
    time though!!

  2. If you want to improve your flexibility, look at Gabi Butler’s video she
    made for you all… 

  3. ok that was good information.thank you very much.(i really liked the video
    dont belive those dumbnuts who be postin mean things be u)

  4. More crap

  5. CheerleadingEmmax3

    You’re look doesn’t effect you being a cheerleader. I wear Glasses too, but
    not to Cheerleading practice… I only wear my glasses in classes when I
    sit in the back (To hangout with my friends :D.)

  6. 0:52 😉

  7. its true

  8. lol, well if you just try & try everyday to do a split & stretch more,
    you’ll most likely know how to do a split (:

  9. Female, 13-17 years Male, 45-54 years Male, 35-44 years

  10. I’m trying out for the school team in May and I need help because cheering
    us my life lol and so I need to he ready!!!

  11. whenever i watch something from howcast i always end up being depressed
    with the poor advice they give us

  12. How do you convince your mom cheerleaders aren’t sluts???

  13. nope just horny teenage boys HAHAA

  14. of couse only us guys watched this

  15. you dont say!

  16. If u love your mom post this to ten pages a girl or boy ignored this and
    her mother died 365 days later sorry I can’t ignored this cause I love my

  17. The blonde one is my cheer coach!!!


  19. 0:09 SWEET JESUS! that scared the fuck out of me!

  20. Michelle Marroquin

    ah i want tot be a cheerleader but h i wear glasses and don’t have

  21. Well not all of us can do splits!!

  22. woo i love my split 😀

  23. This works

  24. anyone here actually a girl?