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Strength Conditioning and Training for Dance, Gymnastics, Cheer and Sports

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  1. Tat was amazing 

  2. I have to say, I watch your videos when I need help with things in
    gymnastics, and it always helps!! You guys are awesome! I do have a
    question though, could you either tell me or make a video on how to do your
    pike hold, straddle hold, and tuck hold? Thank you!

  3. yes – tap is sloane’s fav

  4. gymnasticsislife1128

    omg i paused it i did the banana for a minute

  5. Kimberley Harrison

    The boat hold and swimmer are being done incorrectly if you are intending
    to improve core strength with these exercises. By over extending the neck
    and lifting the arms and legs too high you are concentrating far too much
    on back flexibility instead of core strength and gaining core strength will
    take far longer. By relaxing the neck and ensuring it stays in line with
    the spine, you’ll have a much more effective core strengthening exercise.

  6. kat is 13 & sloane is 14

  7. Your voice is deep in 2012

  8. Does Salone (Sorry idk how to spell it) have her belly button pierced? :O

  9. It seems like you guys are in a fight in this vid ye seem kinda down :(

  10. How many hours do you guys practice per week?

  11. katrina’s is acro & sloane’s is tap

  12. does salone have a belly piercing

  13. Or pickups which ever one its called

  14. TheSevenglittergirls

    are 150 chrunces enough for one day?

  15. Tekcham Malemnganbi

    y in dis vid u dint introduce n wat place was it dance studio or soething

  16. do you mean to get into handstands – we have a tutorial on our channel for

  17. Ok thanks for replying(:

  18. Hi Can you tutorial split i can do that ?):

  19. Can you guys do another one?

  20. Really good

  21. Kiaya Loolookalani

    U uploaded it a day before my bday and i still cant get the splits

  22. Hi, I’m 16 and i’m captain of my dance team at my school. I want to use
    cool acrobatic tricks like the leg tilt and the standing split, etc. but
    all the stretches Im doing aren’t helping. I really want to get my hips
    more flexible so i can be able to do stuff like you guys. Any tips? (:

  23. check out our vid for upper body flexibility – also some strength tips

  24. eat healthy (no junk or processed food, lots of fruit & veggies & lean
    protein) and exercise