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Cheerleaders New Jersey Ep. 25 – This is War!

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  1. My sister was in the USMC

  2. in love with cja and smoed both!

  3. Lol at 8.20 a girl in the back ground says "F@ck Taylor swift. Lol

  4. I really like this team! Can't they just make two series? 😀 
    They are both different teams, with different coaches and different approaches. But I love them both! :D

  5. AJ and Courtney's relationship is the cutest thing ever <3

  6. Veronica Saephan

    in all of the shows that CJA has done, Baby Mae has always been an…issue.

  7. that bald guy wants to be Eddie so bad

  8. All these comment are like oh I don't like CJA I just want Smoed. Like why are you still watching the videos like get out 😂

  9. 4:52 is blackface…??


  11. They act like brats. I'm so glad they're ending tbh.

  12. Hope they keep filming cja as well if not I'm gonna miss them

  13. Ajs full needs lots of work 

  14. Is it bad I don't really care about Smoed

  15. SwoozieFans (On Instagram)

    I'm gonna miss this team emotionally! I've bonded to them so much! Yes, I'm excited that SMOED is back but I wish they would do both! I'm still trying to recover from CheerHab ending!😂
    CJA 14-15 forever🔫💙
    Can't wait to start watching SMOED too!😎

  16. Is AJ actually her sister

  17. Caitlin McCauley

    I personally love both teams! I have to admit I was sad that they left but now they're back! I'm also really glad they have both teams instead of just 1!😍

  18. Aj: nah im kidding… but i gotta aprove

  19. Am I the only one that prefers CJA to Smoed??!?

  20. Krasser- Alois : News Portal

    Gute Sache