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Cheerleading Stunts & Jumps : How to Do Forward Roll in Cheerleading

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  1. I can do these but I always slam my back on the floor….. What am I doing wrong?

  2. Raaz Iravanipour

    Omgggg after doing this I noticed all my other tumbling skills got so much better! Thank you!

  3. I can do a foward roll but I dont know if I can do it on the blur mats at school…

  4. After you tuck your chin and your head/upper back is on the ground, grab your knees/shins/ankles (which ever feels more comfortable). The momentum from the roll and grabbing which ever is comfy will ride you up and you can stand :)

  5. I can do a forward roll but I can't stand up straight after, I have to use my hands. How do I fix this?

  6. I can do a forward roll but i got taught to jump into it so im quite happy that i got taught this way because this way seems more difficult to me

  7. Eh

  8. I feel so dizzy after a do a roll, like I kinda shiver and my head feels like it's spinning, does anyone know how to fix this?

  9. Every time I try I seem to never have enough energy to push myself. And every time I try I twist to the side:'(

  10. ITS A FIGURE OF SPEECH! You don't ACTUALLY put glue on their chin! They pretend!

  11. She was joking I think. If you say to kids they are glued to their chair they stay sometimes depending on the child.

  12. This is somewhat helpful

  13. I wonder, is it okay to do this on my wood flooring?

  14. who would put glue on there chin?!?

  15. Nicole Rutherford

    its a figure of speech!

  16. It's not meant literally….

  17. I could do this since I was 2

  18. Tips: start on an elevated surface like a couch or a soft surface like a bed and move to the floor. Don't be afraid unless you are super scared. If you feel your neck will break, I wouldn't advise pushing yourself. Take gymnastics lessons.

  19. I can do one now thanks

  20. but idk we're basically are since wdk how to do this easy shit riGHT