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Cheerleading: How to Do a Toe Touch

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  1. was the inventor of cheerleaders a guy

  2. Wow we have really simular cheerleading uniforms but on the top it says

  3. Omg i did it

  4. I’ve tried to do a toe touch but I can never get my legs up high enough :/

  5. what kind of shoes do they have?

  6. Omg that is what they wear to All-Star and competition cheer. Sheesh

  7. i’m a cheerleader on B team and I didn’t know how to do a toe touch but
    i’ll tell my whole team about this video on Thursday :} 

  8. I like this so much and it doesn’t matter how toe touch works but, it’s
    better if u do it at a professional level like a real College level not the
    wrong way the right way is in this video

  9. 2:07 is so wrong 

  10. i know how to do a toe touch with out all that but some people might need
    to know what they saying

  11. My jump still looks like a spread egal :( and i have until august or so to
    get a toe touch

  12. thats is so cool. how you do that

  13. saleem! i remember him from thai one cheer show 

  14. They’d be good lesbians

  15. Clarissa Velazquez


  16. ew that bow

  17. Shariya Richardson

    Wait wht thts not what makes your toe touch go higher you have to be really
    tight I know because i cheer

  18. lildayski Mitchell


  19. Cool

  20. That’s Whitney Love! I “love” her hahaha

  21. Live_Laugh_Loom〈3

    Where can I get the rubber band?

  22. yall eed to be nice

  23. lildayski Mitchell


  24. It hurts. But I did it and I survived I made the school squad!! OMG