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Central Kitsap High School Cheer CHANTS

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  1. you guys suck really bad

  2. At least they compete. I thought they would be some lame ass team that only
    cheers at games.

  3. So annoying 

  4. It’s so weird seeing people I know, on youtube. Go Cougars!

  5. i love the guy in the wheelchair

  6. Yeah no one did … I watched it for like a minute and then realised it was
    rather annoying and decided to stop watching and leave my comment …. No
    big deal

  7. Wow Cheerleaders really are annoying …

  8. I genuinely enjoyed this

  9. lets say basket 20 more times lmao

  10. they sing to much!!!

  11. @ArixSparksx That’s kinda what I did but your comment kinds brought me back
    to this annoying sound which I TRIED TO FORGET ABOUT …. but anyways it’s
    a free world so I can leave comments on whatever I want leave whether
    they’re good or bad

  12. Nicely done!

  13. Most annoying cheerleaders ever!

  14. i agree with all the comments here. There not that bad but i was looking
    ate the people behind them.

  15. they hoop it up cheer was soooooooo corny

  16. stop fucking its not easy to do cheer i am on allstar team

  17. I watched the whole advertisement… and it was much mote better than what
    i was looking for.

  18. they need to be on made or something my little sister is better

  19. I can’t believe how rude everyone’s being. There is no need to bash people
    for their appearance. Grow up already. & It’s hard to have sharp
    motions/fully extend when you’re confined to a space like the school
    hallway. They’re showing their cheers, give these girls a break!

  20. :) Nice cheer. 😀 But anyways, I was basically staring at the guys in the
    back the whole time. xD

  21. why are they biting their tounges? is this a joke?

  22. That blond chick is like 10 feet taller than everyone and has a BIG spirite
    ! ( IN a good way! )

  23. Lol , the girl in the white shirt looks like someone slipped 3 bottles of
    5–hour energy into her smoothie .

  24. meme thesweetheart

    i think yall need t work on being sharp cause yall are very sloppy.

  25. Jesus Christ….make them fucking stop! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE.