Extreme Cheer Stunts

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  1. Sydney Rasmussen

    Is this supossed to be funny? LOL psht

  2. No offence but your kinda annoying when u say your pros when u kinda suck
    Keep trying though!!!

  3. Ana's cheeradvice

    U guys suck

  4. Umm these arent extreme those are just basics Cx

  5. Keep working on your cradle and flyer lock your knee

  6. No yall not professionals if yall r yall wont need pillows and what tupe of
    sweap was that thats not a prep and your flyer is to scared me and my sis
    is flyers and younger and were not scared check your video again. Have a
    nice day.

  7. Sorry to say but u guys suck and suck bad

  8. Faill.

  9. Get a life you aren’t professionals your beginners

  10. LailaThe WaterMelon

    Ur not prefessinol I’m 10 I got to cheer 

  11. That was ratchet that’s you need 4 people

  12. Seriously Im 10 and I can do stretches on extentions and kick full baskets
    so i wouldn’t call that perfesional

  13. You really suck !!

  14. real account is cheerstunts12 this is a joke accouunt

  15. FAIL!!!!

  16. @PinkWhiteBlackCheer hey give them a chance

  17. Ailish Morrison

    how is that a prep?? sorry ?? but you haven’t even got a back?

  18. OliviaCheerleading

    They dent even try to catch you!

  19. @PinkWhiteBlackCheer yea we are already past that! where on senior 4!

  20. U suck no offense

  21. Awesome stunts you did

  22. TERRIBLE u guys are not pros