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  1. I hope your joking…this was the first time my girls had ever done this
    pyramid, not only that but we also were working it with 6 girls brand new
    to the sport of cheerleading….like to see you do better!!

  2. well then I send you this challenge….come show us! No … seriously plz
    come show us. We would love to have a guy on the team, esp one who is a

  3. tbh.. we can only do what our level allows us too. atleast we can do this,
    and do it good. also, for the 1st time? very good :)

  4. Benjamin Snell

    Ok, i’ll be honest. I can do ALL that, and i want to lift people. If you
    allow me to do that, then i’ll so come!

  5. see you at training then

  6. Benjamin Snell

    I can do better by myself actually. Seriously i can do a triple backflip,
    into a double roundoff, then quadruple kickflip. Oh, with a blindflod on.
    Because i’m badass. YEAH, YOU JUST GOT SCHOOLED.

  7. we are amazing, your just jelous. obv. your weak body cannot bring its self
    to our amazingness and you cant help but insult us to make yourself feel
    better. thanks. (: LOVE BECCAAA. xo

  8. Hi, did you film our Stars Supreme pyramid the other week? If you did,
    please can you put it up – we are all dying to see it!!! :)

  9. Benjamin Snell

    This is poor. GIVE UP