Cheer: Arabian Stunt

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  1. love the “save the cheerleader. Save the world” shirts

  2. She seemed pretty surprised!

  3. What competition is this???

  4. savannahbananaxx3

    @bieberbabes41 Sweetie, I have a life thank you very much. I AM
    cheerleader. Kay bye.

  5. @cheerhempstead hehe thnx . this is awesome too =], oh and yeah, the trick
    was also awesome 😉

  6. you almost died! haha

  7. i love the shirts’ heroes reference and good job

  8. that was beast!

  9. @tkdkadir that’s awesome. this was at our camp and we JUST learned how to
    do it

  10. I hate to bring up old conversations… especially cause I’ve based for
    seven years so it bothers me when I see bases who don’t pull their weight!
    But I just wanted to put it out there that if you’ve ever done this stunt
    before you’d know that the bases are only supposed to hold the flyer’s
    hands or else she can’t twist. So all you girls stop being so negative and
    maybe check your ego! Cheerleaders should support each other. Great looking
    stunt girls!

  11. xXExtremeairforce666

    LOL did you see “em when they landed./???…

  12. clearlybeautiful

    That looks excactly like the place I was at for cheer camp. Mcnees State

  13. @tkdkadir could you do that… :

  14. @LucyKorts Lol u kidding me? go to my channel…I do this, without help,
    with 2 more twists.

  15. good job! we tried that stunt at camp this year, but couldnt get the grips

  16. Vanessa Rodriguez


  17. savannahbananaxx3

    @bieberbabes41 the bases hold her entire weight. Shes holding their hands
    so shes not there to hold herself up. Bases do a lot of work . So go away

  18. is this hard

  19. try watching again you’ll see the bases did hardly anything

  20. savannahbananaxx3

    @bieberbabes41 I’m a flyer so..I wouldn’t exactly know but my twin is. Its

  21. I expected something like triple backflip with 5-6 twists and hella screams
    at the end.

  22. i was waiting for an actually arabian and the bases were really shaky and i
    was nonononon dont do it but then you did something way different which was
    really good

  23. Pretty bomb

  24. @tkdkadir Lol, this I thought they were going to throw her up in the air or