Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Cheerleading Pyramid » USYD Cheer Pyramid

USYD Cheer Pyramid

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  1. xThEcUpCaKeQuEeNx

    I Thinkk That This Stunt Is Great And Hard Because It Requires The Flyer To
    Put Alot Of Trustt Into The Basess.

  2. love the backflip :)

  3. mad gooddd.

  4. you make it look easy!

  5. aaaah cool!

  6. cheerleader18chs

    point those toes

  7. I don’t start shit; I told you to spell correctly. You then spelled your
    next message correctly and I was proud of you. You seem to think that you
    need to impress people on here with your ability to utterly confuse
    everyone who reads anything you write. You are capable of spelling
    correctly, so everyone reading this knows that you aren’t stupid, so I
    don’t understand why you’re trying to act like it. See how people keep
    marking your comments down? And I may be white, but at least I’m pretty.

  8. that was realy good! loved the whole thing! keep it up

  9. icandiisthebest09

    that was very CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. that was not that amazing

  11. that’s crazy 😛

  12. its not that cool until the front flip!

  13. don’t drop your butt, stay tight as they sponge up, be sure to catch the
    bases’ shoulders as you come down. if you can do a hang drill, you want to
    make your body be in that shape as you finish the dismount

  14. wow thats awesome

  15. that was awesome!

  16. WOW!! that was AWESOME!!! GREAT! YOU’RE REALLY GOOOD!!! 😀

  17. that was really good :-)

  18. really good!

  19. THAST WAS REALLY GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. omg i totally want to try that!

  21. lol its great that u want 2 cheer cuz alot of ppl jus think that
    cheerleaders r jus stuck up!!

  22. Elisha Hurlocker

    you’re so right, you’re fuckin gorgeous. moonstonelovely!

  23. This is awesome! Kudos to your girls, they make it look so easy!

  24. that was awesome…that back flip… great and u sticked it`!!!! Great Job

  25. Diz iz hur cuzin again, u iz stupid az fuc. Realy, u could hav just said
    dat in tha 1st place. Crackaz alwayz gotta start shyt. ya’ll need to go bak
    to eatin u guys salty crackaz