Home » Cheerleading Competitions » Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About Cheer, But Were Too Afraid to Ask PART 2

Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About Cheer, But Were Too Afraid to Ask PART 2

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  1. Lightscameraerin

    I can’t believe your last one was a year ago! Time flies. Congrats on 100k
    and 1m views! 

  2. I’ve had cramps so bad I was literally screaming in pain and midol and
    Advil didn’t work

  3. I want to become cheerleader so bad but I feel so embarrassed that I don’t
    know anything ( im not flexible,don’t know how to do the splits ) but I
    want to become one so bad ! I’m always watching YouTube videos of
    cheerleaders !! What do you guys think ? Should I ? ( and I’m 15 yrs old )

  4. Alicia Pérez Macareno

    Do you think 19 years is too late to start cheerleading?

  5. I love love your bed set where did you get it?

  6. 00:50 was that a ‘clit disclaimer’ ?

  7. Do you have to be really skinny to be a cheerleader or dancer. 

  8. I tried cheer and was refused from the team, all because I had a Pixxie
    cut. It was so stupid, is long hair required or something?

  9. I want to do cheer (I did gymnastic for 7 years) but like Im 14 and all my
    friends who does cheer started at like 5-6. And I can’t even do a back

  10. I agree with her… cheer is so much about looks now. Look at all the
    people that comment on the smoed videos calling them fat yet they won
    worlds 3 friggin years in a row. Everyone always expects every girl to have
    a 6 pack! Its disgusting!

  11. Brooke Loves You

    I’m 13 and have no experience with cheer or tumbling. Am I too late to
    start? What should I do?

  12. So I’m 12 and I really want to start cheer or something like that but I’m
    not really flexible. Like I can’t do the splits like that what can I do to
    improv my flexibility fast!! 

  13. Love you meaghan! you’ve come so far and it’s so cool seeing you grow every
    video :D

  14. Do,you have to be a specific weight to be a flyer in AllStar cheer??

  15. im jealous of your long hair <3


  17. Hey, so tryouts are coming in a couple weeks, and they told us ahead of
    time that we would have to do toe touches and splits. I’ve been stretching
    and working on them but I’m still NO WHERE NEAR ready! Are there any ways
    to be able to do decent splits & toe touches within a few weeks? Oh, and we
    do center and side splits.

  18. because you like giving advice or because you hope for more views?

  19. Hey. I need help what if you want to try out but ur to afraid cuz you may
    be intimidated by the other girls 

  20. I want to start cheer but the gym I want to go to is about 30 minutes away
    from my house, there are like two other gyms closer to my house but I don’t
    really like them, do you think people at the gym would be mean or not like
    me because I’m not from their town? 

  21. Where is that top from and what color is your nail polish? I’m obsessed
    with both!

  22. Subscribe to sevendaysofcheer!