Home » Cheers & Yells » Chants » “Winning Team, Losing Team” Chant Against Nevada – Utah State Basketball

“Winning Team, Losing Team” Chant Against Nevada – Utah State Basketball

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  1. Imagine this on a stadium level, say the 12th man in Seattle. Forget it –
    game over.

  2. I would just walk right off the court, that’s so deflating to your

  3. Jocelyn Crawford

    This is so cool

  4. @Steven Merrill…You hit the nail on the head. I grew up in Aggie
    territory and spent many Friday/Saturday night’s at the Spectrum until I
    graduated from high school. The U is my Alma Matter as well, but you
    haven’t attended a basketball game until you’ve attended one at USU! It is
    a fun experience!!

  5. Comin from a cameron crazie… Utah state has a ton of passion and i got
    chills watching this haha

  6. Man if that doesn’t pump you up, I don’t know what will. Makes me want to
    join the damn school just because of the student devotion!

  7. Well Im going to Utah State now..

  8. This is freaking awesome

  9. and they ask why we watch sports.

  10. USTATE!

  11. So what if its a close game?

  12. I’m a Utes fan, but USU fans are so amazing with their basketball. It
    really is a special place to go see a game, and an amazing atmosphere. Keep
    it up guys, always rooting for you, unless you play the U.

  13. @uncnick157 Not really. It is just why college crowds are better than pro
    sports crowds. The actual game is much better at the pro level.

  14. Our high school Athletic Director won’t let us say “Losing team” we have to
    say “Other team”…… Dumbest thing ever

  15. This seals the deal for me. Utah State: Best atmosphere in college

  16. @ThisIsVeryFakeAndGay But your comment is VeryFakeAndGay

  17. ThisIsVeryFakeAndGay

    Too bad they can’t take the student section with them to the tournament

  18. This is very classless but I guess this is better than polygamy or some
    other weird momon thing

  19. Unfreaking believable

  20. @llm06 and we just said that yesterday against davidson!

  21. Feel free to stand up and join “non student section” fans

  22. @UKfan4242 Um… who won that game??? That’s what I thought Jk

  23. I’m a KSTATE fan but, this chant and the I believe we will win chant gives
    me goosebumps. Pretty jealous of your awesome chants

  24. Cornelius Johnson

    @DatFrigginGuy Full of win? What?

  25. @crunkcymbals09 sorry thats just not true…whenever i go to celtics games
    the place is crazy loud, especially big shots…cant even hear yourself yell