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Stanford Cheerleading- USA Nationals 2010

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  1. Damn that basket toss was HIGH

  2. do u have 2011?

  3. Savannah Pumphrey

    What place did they get??

  4. i love cheer!! The most dangerous sport of them all..and if u don’t think
    so, meet me at the mats!!!

  5. Ikr foreverandnever123 dat was the video dat lead me 2 dis and i was lyk
    wtf harvard u suck butt at cheerleaders

  6. the smartest cheerleaders at the competition

  7. honey..harvard was there

  8. tumbling isnt very good at smart schools..

  9. im a cheerleader so i now this stuff is hard , & im really good but every
    coach ive had has been sucky & all the black girls want to go ghetto
    instead of cheer like this, & no that is not racist just the truth

  10. not the best ive seen from a college team but its the most creative ive
    seen from a college team

  11. When did Cheer leading become a sport? I’ll tell you when. I don’t know. In
    the 70’s they cheered on the team. They were athletic, they did back flips
    and splits. Some of these girls look more like gymnasts or bodybuilders
    than cheerleaders. I see legs that look like tree trunks. Then call it
    something other than cheer leading. Invent a new sport. Call it gymnastic
    skirt tumbling. That’s not cheer leading.

  12. Actually you said “all” as if you’ve met every single Black cheerleader and
    you found they were all “ghetto.” You may not be racist, but you definitely
    are not open-minded. There are also Black girls on this team so…. Btw
    your grammar and spelling are atrocious…..

  13. they were very shaky

  14. nice basket toss at the beginning!!! I competed for middle school large
    division and got first place and Grand Nationals

  15. It was okay! I’ve seen better but admit it they did pretty good on stunts!

  16. umm it was ok some parts where good some where bad

  17. @KberlyJson And none of them (maybe 1 or 2, hard to tell) are blonde……

  18. You guys look BOMB!!!! So sooooo good!!!!! =]

  19. The camera quality is really bad!

  20. foreverandnever123

    At least they’re better than Harvard Cheerleaders lol

  21. I Like The Very Beginning Of The Video.

  22. it was alright, hawaii pacific = beast !! 😀 <3

  23. Cæcilie Schmidt

    What Place did they get?

  24. What do you call it then? What exactly does “go ghetto” mean? Is it
    anything like all the white girls wanting to go “trailer park”?