Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Cheerleading Pyramid » Wolverine All-Star Cheer Pyramid Level 4

Wolverine All-Star Cheer Pyramid Level 4

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  1. keep workin at it :)

  2. THIS SUX thats level 1 not joking

  3. Flying is not as easy as it looks. It actually takes a flyer time to get
    something. It’s not like they are going to get it 100% at first.

  4. diamondscheerleaders

    lock out:)

  5. Lame A’F!!!! xD

  6. thank you. =D

  7. that was pretty good for the first time but the main flyer on the left of
    the computer screen cannot depend on her bracers…stand up! look at :15

  8. @crazygirl6326 Also, not sure if level two can do one man stunts…

  9. i love how one of the flyers starts to whine at the end :)

  10. Pooooooor girl u should really work kn that stunt or don’t do it at at all

  11. Lock!!!!

  12. Kayleigh Karinen

    is kristina in the middle here? and gabi on left side?

  13. yep she’s in the middle and Gabby’s on the right side. but kristina got
    switched yesterday for a different flyer at this part, since everyone
    wasn’t at practice this day she was in for the time being. =-D

  14. @KatieeMishler are u sayin theyre not a level four team cuz uhh they are ya
    kinow i actually go to this gym and know like everybody on that team and i
    can tell u that after they practiced that pyromid they added in more harder
    stuff and it was really good so i would just shut up k

  15. @162zebra sorry, our team is actually human so once in a while *get ready*
    we make mistakes. i know, hard to believe. really though, no one’s forcing
    you to watch, so get over yourself.

  16. @cheergal2017 you know that you dont have to be s negitve, so what if they
    messed up, you dont need to be a jerk. please and think you (:

  17. thats level 4??????

  18. NeverShoutJuliaaa

    Good try!

  19. My level 2 team is better than that!

  20. This was their first time doing this! Everyone makes mistakes and before u
    come on here and hate check out their other videos which has them doing the
    pyramid PERFECTLY! With a lot of cool stuff and to the haters don’t just
    say how easy this is and your team is better, post a video of your squad!
    Talk is cheap. I will admit my team we’re not that good and have days with
    pyramids really bad and with preps falling yes preps but somedays we have
    pyramids that go good. Everyone has bad days and s

  21. U guys suck !! This is not Level 4 i am and thos is like level 2-3 !!

  22. The flyer in the Pink looks really Frightened! Really Good Job though

  23. That as good for the first time but you can’t give up on your stunt :)

  24. @cheerjamzelitemagic Did you read the caption.? Huh? Did you? Cause
    honestly. If you read it. It would make sense hun.

  25. :) Your team can produce an awesome stunt, And if both of the sides fell in
    at the ssame time, it’d be the first type of stunt that I Saw like that! So
    keep going, and post a video of the final time of this squad doing it, and
    i’ll suscribe