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Cheer Extreme “The WORK is WORTH it”

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  1. Perfect <3

  2. this hella motivates me 

  3. Cheer Extreme “The WORK is WORTH it”: http://youtu.be/Un2k42ynpUM

  4. Łukasz Maruszewski

    More medals than russian general

  5. Has anyone heard of F. A. D fittnes and dance

  6. For what are they working? I mean I do sports because of fun and maybe one
    day I can be in a tournement and get honor. And of course I do it for the
    girls. But what is their reason?! Will they get payed for it? Will they
    have any advantages in life, when they are the best, or just be part of it?
    (I’m not trolling or something like that)
    Just want to know, what is the reward of the hard work?! 

  7. I literally watch this video every day. It motivates me beyond belief, I
    always have doubted my ability to be a good cheerleader but I’ve realized
    things aren’t handed to you they are worked for. I wake up at 5am now just
    to workout and train before school. I’m so determined to make the team in
    the upcoming season.

  8. waking up at 4am to workout at 5am for JROTC volunteeringly to help in
    cheer- this video is SO inspiring!

  9. Teagan Mihailovic

    at 2:18, they say “never forget that — is a cruel mistress” what do they

  10. amen!!!!!!!!!

  11. Lynne Spangenberg

    extreme indeed.Will play it before my therapy sessions!BELiEVE, indeed

  12. inspirational very love this video

  13. Inspiring!!!!

  14. Cheer should be a sport foootball players lift not even 1 pound balls we
    lift PEOPLE

  15. This video is so inspiring!!

  16. Jpadi Aragontabligan

    Taylor ❤️! My new motivation from cheer extreme

  17. she slept with make up on :D

  18. So good and inspiring, Il deffo have another beer to that! Cheers!

  19. I love this video so much!! It is so touching to me!!!!

  20. What did you use to make this?

  21. I’ve been cheering since I was 2 and I’m a flyer and floor tumbler I am one
    of The best tumblers on my squad. I don’t know what I would do without
    cheerleading. Trust me when I say that we sweat 12 times more than them.
    Because we spend at least 9 1/2 hours a day in the gym practicing.

  22. And some people say cheerleading isn’t a sport. Wow when they see this they
    will totally change their mind!

  23. * I have been cheering since i was 2 and I am a flyer

  24. Ppl who dnt say cheerleading is nt a sport ur stupid cuz im 19 i been
    cheering since i was 4 i hurt ny knee n keep cheering nw im a coach
    cheering is the best thng out there