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Lady Huskies Cheerleading Flyer Tryouts

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  1. +Anisah Dean I’m a flyer and all you have to do is look straight and
    squeeze everything especially in a extension 

  2. my coach is trying to get me to fly but I don’t know how to I cant stand up

  3. meagan dosnt ride the basket uhp enuff

  4. totally agree

  5. Am I the only one who saw the door on the wall by the ceiling at 0:50 !?

  6. yeah the bases arent so great

  7. pointeprincess302

    response to smileymiley130 just in case it doesn’t end up under her comment
    a pike basket toss..but the ones in this video werent that great look it up
    on here, you can find some amazing ones

  8. they dont know how to ride baskets.

  9. your not doing your basket tosses right!

  10. the first flyer is to big to be flying..she needs to be a base because it
    looks really bad when a flyer is heavier then the bases…2nd flyer is
    really good.

  11. you guys NEED to ride your baskets. your going to go no where if you don’t
    and it’ll just be hurting you cuz then you won’t have time for tricks in
    them. and some flyers need to stay REALLY tight during twists.you can hurt
    your bases and backspot and yourself REALLY badly if you don’t! TRUST ME! i
    was a base AND a backspot like a few years ago. my flyer NEVER was tight
    and always hit me or something. i broke two bones because of her.now i’m a
    flyer and i make sure i’m tight so i dont hit people.

  12. 2nd flyer is good ;]

  13. those flyers suck

  14. ChristieLuvsNigaHiga


  15. i think when people (flyers) load in with both feet at the same time and
    the side bases have to go and catch the feet, it makes the whole stunt look
    messy and unbalanced even if the flyer is new i think loading in on 1 and 3
    makes it look much cleaner

  16. TopQualityRanching

    First flyer sucked . COuldnt hold a scorpion or arebesque , and her basket
    toss was sloppy and not tight .

  17. Really good for tryouts :)

  18. do you have a person or teammate named kristina calco? i’m a big fan of

  19. whats the song in the intro?

  20. even though michaela was very shaky, i feel like she has great potential. i
    also liked kristen and megan.

  21. beautiful basket pike!!! i love it but the full downs not that good….

  22. non of them rlly did

  23. Iv’e been a base for 3 years and a top for 1 and I’m hoping to be this good
    for my basket toss (That’s my scariest stunt)

  24. come on guys, don’t make me remove this video as it was the start of our
    group and has value to us. but this was tryouts for a NEW allstar group. We
    understand, we had inexperienced athletes tryout for the team, but they
    have evolved into top allstars with a track record to prove it. guess we
    will have to update our stunting video to give you all something else to
    concentrate on. but thanks for the criticism, it drove them to out-stunting
    most of you at competition that have commented. Thanks!

  25. who made it and who didnnt ?