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I see stars- Save the Cheerleader, Save the world LIVE

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  1. I saw them on this tour in Illinois… Never heard of them before and they
    blew me away. Total energy, great to see live.

  2. what an amazing band. amazing

  3. Valerie Victoria


  4. yeah, their old screamer left. The black guy is their new screamer/ synth

  5. Hey guys check out my cover of this song! =)

  6. FotracPoductions

    Damn. you’re just a baby. I should have known that when you called me a
    sissy girl. If you put forth as much effort towards something worth while
    instead of putting it towards talking shit, you might turn out alright.

  7. the black guy is in i see stars now. his name is chris moore. i don’t know
    what happened to the old screamer (who was white btw)

  8. cougarbaseball20

    @CorbinCatastrophe no chris is not the main screamer on the record. He
    recorded like 2 or 3 screams because zach left while in studio but almost
    all of the screaming on the cd is zach

  9. this guy was talking shit to me too. he just doesnt get that his band blows
    complete dick, and is probably the worst thing ive heard since the blood

  10. Why did there old singer leave the band?

  11. i love them!

  12. you kids are immature. but uh zach left for his girlfriend.

  13. @FotracPoductions hahahahaha its funny to read bullshit like yours hahaha
    idk if hed talk shit about you without the internet but i know good as fuck
    that i would. can you make to bakersfield, california?

  14. Chris is fucking terrible… Lol.

  15. which band did the black screamer go to?

  16. ya it did. butttt it was like a tuesday night and it was the coldest day of
    the year and there had just been a big snow and it was at some place in a
    pretty rough neighborhood. the fact that even those like 30 kids came was
    surprising. but a it was weak

  17. did they get rid of their original screamer? cause i think they had like a
    black screamer

  18. i like how you say sell you’re equipment when they’re touring the united
    states playing for people. that makes way too much sense.

  19. @cougarbaseball20 @CorbinCatastrophe you are both wrong. Zach recorded the
    ENTIRE CD chris just recently recorded the pre production of their new CD
    and the song they are doing for Punk Goes Classic Rock. none of Chris
    screams are on 3D.

  20. ya i checked out your band. you guys sound like absolute shit. it would be
    dissrepectful for you to even try and get signed. you are all embarassments
    to everyone you know.

  21. your a little bitch, nobody even said anything about you. out of no where
    you were just like “YOU GUYS SUCK.” get your weak ass music out of here and
    go slit your wrists

  22. ROFL at haters xD quit hating on people’s style, it just makes you sound
    ignorant and stupid.

  23. saw them saturday, new screamer OWNED the crowd!

  24. suck my left nut you fag who likes to listen to terrible music… or
    whatever the fuck you call this shit;

  25. chris moore= godly live