Home » Cheerleading Stunt » Cheerleading Pyramid » MinuteMan-Saves Stephine From Falling Off The Pyramid

MinuteMan-Saves Stephine From Falling Off The Pyramid

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  1. The old Disney<3

  2. i love jason dolley and luke benward with long hair

  3. I love this part!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome! Loves Jason Dolley! More vid’s
    please of Minutemen or a music vid about the 3 daring time travelers! ^_^

  4. is this a tv show or a movie??

  5. Oo Jason Dolley Is SUPER Hot!! Stephannie is So Lucky For him To Save Her
    😛 HOT HOT HOT He is!!

  6. what the he/she just taped it off tv like wow ppl wow

  7. The only thing an illegal alien deserves is a one-way ticket home. Secure
    the border NOW! Enforce existing law NOW! E-verify NOW! End birthright
    citizenship NOW! Say no to the Chamber of Commerce cheap labor lobby and
    the racist, ethnocentric advocacy hate groups like La Raza (THE Race),
    Mecha, and Lulac. Say no to illegal aliens, the Outlaw Employers who profit
    from them at OUR expense, and the corrupt Rogue Politicians who ENABLE both.

  8. i love this part

  9. awseme movie

  10. I remember all the adverts for this, COMING SOON!

  11. wat did he say wen she told him ur amazing??

  12. Elizabeth Schiada

    she said “I dont know who you are, but you’re amazing”