Home » Gymnastics & Tumbling » Gymnastics For Cheerleading » Cheerleading-Toe Touch/Gymnastics-Straddle Jump

Cheerleading-Toe Touch/Gymnastics-Straddle Jump

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  1. @trixiemarie09 ive been a cheerleader for 5 years…… and your just
    showing off that you know how to do a toe touch. that really is not nice!

  2. that was really good, but here are some tips: 1. Always keep your chest up
    when your in the jump. 2. Point your toes through your ankles, not your
    toes. other than that, it was good.:D

  3. @romalover202 and u asked for suggestions…

  4. @CheerleaderGymnast31 then y didnt u do it?

  5. HAD TO DO IT IN TWO Also Point your toes super duper hard in everything you
    do that is dance or cheer related. Also work on counts One more thing is to
    do the hands right. Clap(1,2) High V and plie (34) Inward circle and jump.
    Then ofcourse land with your head down and back and knees bent so you can
    absorb the landing. =]

  6. . good job*

  7. that was really good! try to point your toes more, and keep your arms in a
    “T” dont actually reach for your toes!!:) also when you set, don’t jump to
    much when you put your arms into a high v

  8. i thought that was really good can you please watch my jumps and see if
    there is anything i might be doing wrong?? thanks so much(:

  9. ur really good at that keep working on it i also love ur room

  10. that was terrible keep trying haah

  11. fantastictelletubby

    you kicked yah lantern! xx

  12. It was good but just for future reference dont use the excuse u taught
    urself because i taught myself how to do toe touches and they are good,
    they arent something you need to learn

  13. your fists were facing the wrong way

  14. Im a cheerleader nd ii cant do a cat jump like u so well done

  15. yeah..

  16. pretty good!!! its just that you have to keep your legs straight when you
    are jumping. and you did very good at pointing your toes! :)…….. also
    make sure that you do it with the right form before you worry about getting
    your jumps higher.

  17. read on her channel it says she is not a cheerleader!!!

  18. Thats pretty good if you taught your self:) Just make sure to point your
    toes girly, it will make it even more prettier:) Also, never look down/
    lean down, or you’ll fall forward:/ It happens. But other than that, that
    was pretty good:)

  19. kool i am a cheerleader 2… that was good cuz mine is like suck

  20. oh also i forgot to give u a tip! if you stop at your high v, you will lose
    so much momentum so make sure u hit the high v and follow it through right
    away dont hold it cause u get a lot of momentum from the swinging of your

  21. CheerleaderGymnast31

    Can’t you read?! I taught myself this! Duuuhh!

  22. 808AndremarleY808

    girl boo!!!!! lol

  23. haha shes like 13 years old and she is being critiqued like she is the
    national championship running. sorry a thirteen year old isn’t the shining
    example of perfection.

  24. CheerleaderGymnast31

    I know…

  25. Holy Chinese stuff!