Home » Cheers & Yells » Cheers » Cheerleading Arm Motions Choreography Tutorial

Cheerleading Arm Motions Choreography Tutorial

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  1. oh tnx for doing this i really need this one for our routine and yeah ur
    vry good coach keep up the gud work ms.jessica rossi=]]

  2. thank youu so much :) i need to create a dance for my squad ; and u gave me
    some inspiration so thank youu again :)

  3. On the fourth count for the first eight counts, I have no idea whether my
    legs are together or apart. On the slow version, they’re together on four,
    but apart for the other counts. On the fast version, the legs are apart for
    the whole eight counts. I’m slightly confused. owo..

  4. That’s the accent of english learnt at an international school. Given some
    of the inflection, most certainly with one of the romance languages as
    first language. Possibly french.

  5. this is reaallyyy good =D

  6. Y is there a hole in the wall?

  7. pinkiisofreekii3000

    @MissyTommyT ha ha

  8. She’s from England probably she has an English accent

  9. @misfecool How to do what ?

  10. Thank you sooo much! 😀 This was my first practice to prepare myself for
    the upcoming training …and I love it! You are great!

  11. I really love this I hope u don’t mind if I use this in my cheerleading

  12. i lvoe people with your accent!

  13. maybe somebody tumbled into the wall lol cheer accidents

  14. Sara Catherine Floyd

    wtf is up with her voice…

  15. someone did wallflip!

  16. I’m going to try to remeber so thanks. Post more;-)

  17. im hopefullly putting tis in my comp dance..

  18. y is there a hole in the wall, hahaha, thnx this helped!

  19. @MissyTommyT do u know how to do these now?

  20. quite awesome cheerleadings really catching on in the UK :)xxx

  21. This is really good. ill try to learn it.

  22. xxjennlyricsbackup

    that was so helpful! and @Karrielynn1008 yeah, i love it too haha(:

  23. that’s a big hole

  24. natalie fitzhenry

    great arm motions! 😀

  25. thank you loads for all this!!! it makes learning fun!!