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Emily’s Reunion – Cheerleaders Extras

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  1. I saw a news piece on CJA and Patty Ann. She DON’T play! I know some people
    will complain about her personality/coaching style, but just like a lot of
    people say…you don’t HAVE to be there. If you choose it and pay to do
    it…you get Patty Ann in all her glory. :-)

  2. Omg this is the new awesomest TV cheerleaders team! That’s the coach lol,
    small world!

  3. Remeber when CJA had that show Cheer . Miss it

  4. I go their 

  5. What are the odds Emily is on two shows lol!? 

  6. She really did jump right in when she got to Smo3d, her intro episode
    showed how Eddie was even impressed :)

  7. I didn’t know she was on twinkles!

  8. Now she’s a WORLD CHAMP(:

  9. Emily was on WC Twinkles!! 

  10. Omg @verabella me too

  11. Cheer And dance girls

    She was a twinkle !!

  12. SHE WAS A TWINKLE!!!!!!!

  13. Woah no wonder Emily looks familiar….I went to the gym cja practiced

  14. I watched CJA on TV and that’s why she looked familair

  15. Twinkle alumni

  16. TWINKLE!!!!!!!!!??

  17. love ittt

  18. Iris van Ringelenstijn

    Omg she was a twinkle <3

  19. She is a very good chearleader

  20. I love cheerleading 

  21. I would’ve never guested she was on the twinkles !

  22. Hi