Home » Learn Cheerleading » Cheerleading Camps » Cheer camp! so much fun girls!

Cheer camp! so much fun girls!

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  1. so many beautiful girls

  2. 00:31 ZOMFG hahaha rgij#@%Q TGR cheerleaders

  3. boooing everyone lose 10lbs.. what is it with fatty people.. fat cheer..
    McDonalds. AGH.. Oh well..

  4. Hey thivk people aswell as skinny people can cheer

  5. haha. who do you think you are.

  6. where were yall at if yall had to wear badges?

  7. this is cool..How did you do it?

  8. is it fun to be a cheerleader ?

  9. You guys are AWESOME!!

  10. i know right why no musik i thout that my computer was broken again this
    was sooo not that much fun it was boring but i love cheer camps those ARE

  11. what squad is that? what school ect.

  12. omgg this reminds me of our seniors like theres groups of friends always
    togeter :)

  13. How cool! LUCKY! I cant go to camp most of the time. i work with my mom
    during summers. I would dye to go to a cheer camp!

  14. cheerleading=life<33

  15. it’s totally awesome!

  16. omg this looks like so much fun i wanted to be a cheerleader really bad but
    i cant because i have scoliosis but i hope u guys like it and have fun!!!

  17. theres no music. how boooring

  18. thnx! its just done in a picture slide show