Home » Cheers & Yells » Cheerleading Yells » Motorist Ticketed after Harassing Cyclists

Motorist Ticketed after Harassing Cyclists

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  1. So it’s illegal for cyclists to ride on the sidewalk because they travel
    much faster than pedestrians, which makes sense – so why isn’t it illegal
    for them to ride on the road when they travel much slower than cars? Just
    because something’s the law doesn’t mean it automatically makes rational

  2. Great video. Well handled. Washington DC, the town where I was born. It is
    great that there are qualified police on hand who take the proper action. I
    haven’t been back there is 18 years. I’m car free and get my self around
    via various human powered vehicles. It is pretty cool not being burdened by
    the demands and expense of a motor vehicle.

  3. she is so ignorant.

  4. Another ignorant and arrogant driver who got what she deserves. I would
    have handled my recordings to the officer so they can watch by themselves
    how dangerous this woman is behind a wheel.

  5. They dont know what is the meaning of sideWALK.

  6. Now THERE’S a cop (or more than one) when you need them. WTG!

  7. Did they tell her to not do that again in the future I hope?

  8. Probably a Murrilund driver, anyway. They CAN NOT drive.

  9. should of given her a copy of the highway code to study too.and make her re
    sit her test.

  10. Inline Downhill Vancouver

    Well done.

  11. What was the outcome?

  12. Good job by the police officers! That woman would probably only get a
    talking to in the UK.